Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: User Registration Partial Restrictions
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This is just to announce that I've placed a minor restriction on user registration on these boards due to the announced server merge issue. This is, similar to the last time we had a server vote, to prevent hordes of non-Rpers registering and attempting to strong-arm the RPers into doing what they want (such as making multiple votes under different accounts, etc). The RP community has always been an independent community. While we have many non-RP friends, it doesn't change the fact that we always have to do what's best for US, not them.

Users may still register, but will be unable to login until administration gives them permission to. This will allow me to screen new registrations to ensure they are legit.

I apologize for this temporary inconvenience.
Good idea.. did people really do that back then, too?

Oh, say.. I don't like to sound too jumped up or anything, given I set the poll and all but.. would it be a good idea to make the poll's thread a bit more prominent? If not a front page bit, then, maybe sticky'd? Or maybe link to it in this new item about limiting the registrations some?

During the last vote, registration and activity shot through the roof. And it's clearly happening again xD.

I'm actually getting spammed with registration requests. So it's a good thing I put it under partial lock down quickly.

Also, I added the poll/discussion thread to the calendar, so it displays on the top of the page with upcoming events.