Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Seeking EU-friendly FC
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Just a lazy Duskwight, her Hyur lover and their adorable pup all looking for a new home in a free company.

GMT day/primetime or US daytime wanted, to help with our own times and events.

Please leave posts! We want to take a look at any company that might like some EU people around. Staying up late isn't our forte... 

Thanks, and have fun!
I'm the Hyur lover. Big Grin And the adorable pup is named Ruffles.
Not sure what sort of theme you're after, if any, but you can always check out us at Jackal & Hide. We're a morally fluid group of misfits who get up to all sorts, from legitimate mercenary work to, ahem, some more illicit. You're welcome to contact myself or Kilid here or in game if you want more information.

If that's not up your alley at all, no worries and all the best in your search! Smile
Check out Loveless we are small and looking to grow so this would be a good opportunity if you wanted to help progress things.

RPC page http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=11352
Website http://loveless-rp.enjin.com/