Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: R'das Sahazrh
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I. Basic Info 

Characters: R'das Sahazrh, Sofie Briant
Primary character: R'das Sahazrh
Linkshells: None
Primary RP linkshell: None

II. RP Style 
Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
Sporadic, but heavy RP.

Views on RP combat and injuries:
Does it disable my character and make other RP interactions difficult/impossible? If so, please no.

Is the combat subject to a governing set of rules that prevent/limit powergame, bias and/or ego? If so, it's fine.

Views on IC romance:

Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
As long as it's planned out thoroughly, go for it.

Views on lore:
You are roleplaying in Final Fantasy XIV, you should abide by the laws of the world. If you're not going to do that, there are communities that roleplay on Second Life, Steam and all other manner of settings that are less strict than this one.

Certain bending of the rules I don't mind, nor do I really mind for small levels of assumption within the lore, but don't try and convince me that you're a benign voidsent. All voidsent try that, and all voidsent are inherently evil.

Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
Pretty much anything goes. I view linkshells as they are depicted in the MSQ, where you have to audibly speak into them for them to function, meaning that anybody in the vicinity can also hear you, but not the response from the pearl.

If I am in a zone where /say is too crowded, I might want to swap to /party chat. Still waiting for a time when you can flag individuals and have their /say appear in a different colour temporarily. SE pls.

III. Other Info 

Country: United Kingdom
Timezone: GMT
Contact info: R'das Sahazrh ingame

S'probably typos or something or whatever.

R'das' RPC Link for people who missed it in the character list: Riiiiiight here