Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Mini Plot with Jace Hunter
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I've finally started up a little mini plot involving Jace and his mother and why he needs to go to Ishgard. Naturally, I cannot involve everyone, but I did want to invite those interested in meeting the self-proclaimed "Greatest Mind in All Eorzea" or those who were at least curious about the plot and the character to join in some RP from time to time.

You can find Jace wandering around Coerthas and you will be able to find him around Coerthas until Heavensward, should you wish to RP, simply be in character and/or send me a /tell.

If you are an Ishgardian Knight or someone of high status, Jace might have a few questions for you!

A small post I did on tumblr about the whole thing can be found here, and there will be more posts to come!