Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Xaela Naadam
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So one of the things that's big in Mongolia is their yearly Naadam festivals (both small local and the national one). Due to the Xaela lore, the big country-wide one wouldn't make sense, but I thought perhaps having smaller localized Naadam festivals between tribes that are not explicitly warring with each other could be a way for xaela of different tribes to have known each other in their backstories or whatnot.

Plus, Naadam festivals are just plain cool (it's on my bucket list, along with working in Mongolia :<).


I could see the Xaela tribes putting their differences aside once a year and meet together in a great gathering for this festival.
I don't think EVERY tribe would be part of it (Can't really imagine the dudes who have death wishes who have slaughtered a bunch of tribes are super welcome) but yea I could see that being a thing for the majority of the tribes.