Hydaelyn Role-Players

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So I literally just bought FFXIV right now. I was wondering if it had a good RP community and, lo and behold, I found this site. ;]

I can't wait to meet ya'll in game! Once I have a character all made, I'll post her name and then you can all harass me.
I will most definitely do that!
Welcome! Can't wait to see a new face!
Oh oh! Do you know what town you're going to start in? If you want I could meet you there and we could RP. My characters still new too so its not like it'd be a big deal. ^.^
I have noooo idea, haha. I'm currently still downloading the main client, but it should be done in about an hour. Then I have to get all my updating done...

But as soon as I'm good to go, I will send you a message, kay? :]
kk I'm gonna grind until then so I can use not a dagger. :p
If you two are looking for the OOC linkshell, it's Intermission. You can send me a tell in game if you want an invite. Endricane Feltaro is my in game name.
Thank you! I'll send a tell whenever I get in. :]

And I have another hour or more for updates, so I won't be on tonight, probably. >.<
lol its fine. I'll be around all day tomorrow...well when I'm not laddering on Starcraft 2 because I do that full time or at work...
Welcome, welcome. Also while you're waiting, I'd check out the directory of linkshells and see if you can find one that appeals to you. It's always a good idea to at least have some background knowledge of the various shells that are in the game. ^^ Looking forward to meeting you!

Welcome to the Roleplaying community on Balmung.
Thanks for the welcome, everyone! My character is Nyhma Valste and you can all /tell me in-game to chat or whatevs.

@Oskar - I'm thinking of trying to fit in with Everwatch. >w<
Well in that case,


Send me a PM or a tell in game and we can chat about that! Smile

Haha, I shall! Give me a few more days, though, so I can work out some background information and get a feel for Nyhma's personality. But I'll chat with you in-game about my longterm goals for her character. :] Hopefully you'll be on later tonight, as I have class ALL EFFIN' DAY.