Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Looking for 2 specific contacts!
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I am looking for 2 specific types of contacts. 

1. Currently in my bio, I have mention of an older, kind Elezen man who my character traveled with from Ul'dah to Gridania.  I am looking for someone who would be interested in filling this role, as a mentor and somewhat 'father' like figure. If our characters mesh well together, I would even consider it being another race, but they would need to be older and able to take on a parenting like role/guidance.

2. Looking for someone to pick up Tika as an apprentice in the Rogues' Guild.  I am wanting this to be long term RP, with lots of plot and storyline. I have some ideas if you are interested.
I am looking to level an alt who would be part of the rogues' guild. 
He isn't readily available for RP because...gotta do the leveling part first...but yeah.
I am working on him...since I am super in love with the rogues' guild I wanted an alt to be one of them xPP
If you're willing to wait/plot a bit with me first, I can work something out!
I run an old monk who travels town to town spreading dark tidings and usually starting bar brawls he rarely wins since he has a bit of a drinking problem. He is a gentle soul though, seeing his regular bar room battles as a type of training for the folk in troubled times. 

I don't know if he would be much of a adopted father figure but he might fit that role. He is the right age for it he's just a bit eccentric and perhaps fanatical.
I am a level 58 Ninja and I would be happy to help you.
Thanks everyone for your responses, I'll send you private messages so we can speak more!
I would love to suggest Jerciex as this Elezen, but Jerciex hasn't been many times in Ul'dah, that might cause little conflict.. He has been in Ul'dah like few times (3-5times). :/ BUUUUUUUT.. I might be willing to change Jerciex's history little bit about visits in Ul'dah little bit to support your idea. Smile

But I like how you are searching for special contacts like this ^^ So I hope you find what you are looking for.