Hydaelyn Role-Players

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New here. Well. New to FFXIV, really. I've been playing for about 3 days. Fun stuff! Currently on Faerie but plan to try and transfer to Balmung if I can. Love me a good 'Arpee' hub! Tongue

--MMORPG background

Oh gawd. I started about 13-14 years ago..Ish?

Does Runescape count? It was my first taste of 'MMO' life. Smile
Officially started with F2P (aka Pay2win) MMO's. Mostly Korean grindfests. -_- I really loved PvP. ^.^ Played these for 3-4 years.
Moved onto Warcraft for a couple years. Forsaken ftw!
Played some Defiance. (Was fun for an FPS mmo).
Ummm.. moved onto Planetside 2 
Guild Wars 2 for a few.
Got really into The Secret World. Highly advised for hardcore horror fans to check it out. Very adult community. Smile Really enjoyed the modern day theme. :3
Tried games like Tera, Rift, and Vindictus. Vin had great combatm but the rest is sucky.
Also got into Destiny (my side "mmo"). I love me FPS goodness.

So now here I am in FFXIV!

--RP experience

I've been RPing for 15+ years. :3 I started in a text-based MUD (technically two at the same time) and fell in love immediately. I still visit those MUDs every now and again! I used to play D&D and Rifts, but hard to get everyone together these days. >.<

I am not a great writer any more. After quitting the text based muds and being a stupid teenager, my brain kind of... died. BUT! I'm slowly trying to get everything back in swing. :3

--Character ideas/info

I just... wing it. ^.~ 

Most of my Arpee is random and off the fly. I am not much for planning anything because, for me, it detracts from the RP experience. I prefer not knowing what is going to happen, or what to expect. 

Currently I play a little troublemaker modelled after a previous OC. She's a fighter! Hard willed, kind of punkish in attitude, new to everything around. The rest will manifest as I go, I guess. Tongue

I do have several alts already, as well. Everything from a brutish marauder to a creepy little magii. Evil

--How did you learn about the coalition?

Um. No idea what the coalition is... 

Is it the forum/website? If it's the forum/website... I just googled 'FFXIV roleplayers'. Tongue I like hunting down communities!

If it's not the forum/website... then.. no idea. <_<

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?


Like... 24/7 IC dealy. Yuppers!

--Anything from real life you'€™re comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

Um. Long timer gamer. I have thousands of video games. Big Grin

I work for a F2P game company. Job is good, games are not. *cough*

I am very competitive in FPS and PvP games. Tongue Sometimes it gets me in trouble because I am not the most gracious loser. Angel

I have tried some video editing work. I'm so-so. I enjoy making forum signatures and manipulations! They were so much fun to do.

Easy to get along with I think. Forum whore. And. Other stuff. Iunno. 

Anyway. Hello!
The coalition does indeed refer to this site here Smile "Hydaelyn Roleplayers Coalition", sometimes referred to as the "RPC" as well. 

Welcome aboard ^^
Hello there, welcome to FFXIV! I hope you make it onto Balmung soon! Smile
Welcome to the RPC!
[quote pid=214570 dateline=1443290213]
The coalition does indeed refer to this site here Smile "Hydaelyn Roleplayers Coalition", sometimes referred to as the "RPC" as well. 

Welcome aboard ^^

Oh my.  Apparently my reading comprehension isn't what it used to be! Thanks! <3

(09-26-2015, 02:30 PM)Faye Wrote: [ -> ]Hello there, welcome to FFXIV! I hope you make it onto Balmung soon! Smile

Thank you! 2 more days to go! Sad

(09-26-2015, 03:03 PM)SicketySix Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to the RPC!

Danke sehr!
Nice to see a person with Madda's usual MMO history! Madda loved TSW, it's a real shame that there's this flux in the air as Funcom nears the verge of bankruptcy.

Welcome to FFXIV!
Hello there! Welcome to the RPC and, eventually, Balmung Big Grin
Hmm! I originally came from Argent Dawn from WoW, Arcadia in SW and Celestial Hills in the game with not enough clothes! Mewonders if I've seen you in any..
Welcome and hope you get on Balmung!