Hydaelyn Role-Players

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[Fliers hung in each city state]

Need a house but don't have the money? Need a spot for a event but don't know where? 
Look no further!

HOMRA is offering its medium home for renting space for a small fee, and for a small fee more we will even remodel it to your liking!

Charging -
per hour - 125k, for multiple hours bought at same time 5k will be subtracted for each hour.

Remodel fee will varies based off of what all has to be done and acquired.

Interested? Have questions? Want to see the space?
Stop by and contact us at our home in Goblet ward 1 plot 49!
IF we are not home feel free to leave a letter of interest in our mail box with where to find you, and we will get back to you as soon as possible (Feel free to leave the 'letter' here)
(OR tell Seraphina Weisshart/Zax Xelphia in game)