Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Thanks for being such a terrific community!
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So I'm not a new player--been on and off for a couple years now, though I suppose I really started playing in earnest last summer. I'm relatively new to RP in MMO settings since this is my first long-term relationship with one, and I have to say, it's looking a lot like Heart.

What really got me hooked in this time 'round was diving into the roleplay and meeting so many cool/interesting/welcoming players with whom to interact. Beyond that, traipsing about Eorzea and always seeing so many people RPing adds so much to the world and really makes it feel lived in and alive.

I've always been tangentially aware of the RPC--I found it during my initial research years ago in trying to determine which server would be the best fit for me--and I've had a number of players tell me I ought to give it a try, so here I am, finally making an account! Looking forward to exploring the site and seeing what kinds of fun creative things everyone has posted. 

Oh! I suppose I should post this here link to the characterization I've developed for Adam thus far, just in case anyone is interested or has any helpful feedback: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/.../2635740/ 

In closing, and in reference to this entry's title: thanks to all of you for making playing FFXIV on Balmung such a wonderful, fulfilling experience. Hopefully I'll encounter some of you in-game!
Hello there, welcome to the RPC! Big Grin
Wonderful to read you've had a great time so far! :D

I have to admit that your character sounds hilarious and delightful. I hope Adam has continued infamy and accidental success in his endeavors!
Yes great intro and welcome!
Your FFT and 3 heavy avi and sig makes me want to be your friend.
Welcome to the community I hope you enjoy your stay if you need people to RP with and reach out there are lots of wonderful people here. Look forward to seeing you around!
It's true. We're the best. ;D