Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Main Plot
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I found it interesting that some people had an alternate 'version' of their chars where they RPed the Main Plot/the whole WoL stuff with one or a few RP partners and thought that it could be fun to do.

So I thought I'd ask if anyone else was just starting a new char and was interested in doing the Main Plot with me IC?

WARNING: I do have a terrible timezone as I live in NZ, so night owls would prob be easier.

Let me know if anyone is interested.
I've always been interested in doing something like this. Not so much to see my own character but to see how other people's characters react and handle it.
Bump, because this kind of fell through and now we're trying it again.

So if anyone else is interested then let me know!
That's... actually really cool and would give incentive to run the main story of ARR again for me instead of buying a skip or something. I actually read it wrong as someone RP'ing as the WoL and the adventurers that go along with him/her would RP out the situation's reactions and etc.. but this is even nicer. What server were you planning to do this on?
Consider me interested as well!
All my chars are on Balmung at the moment.

What times would you guys be available?

Also, where is the char you're thinking of up to with MSQ?
Ah darn, I only have the one on Balmung atm(and he's done with SB) until it opens back up for me to consider transferring any new characters. Gl though ^.^ sounds really cool.
Ah damn. The locked server thing is a pain at the moment. Hopefully it unlocks soon.