Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: New player here :)
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Hey guys,

I just moved from World of Warcraft and Elder Scrolls Online both of which I have RP'd on for some time, but I am now in search of something new, and to RP in a Final Fantasy setting. 

I am going to be moving my character to Balmung soon. He's a Lalafel thaumaturge in training IC. I am still learning and adapting to the lore, so consider me a fresh faced noob. 

I look forward to jumping into RP soon, once I feel comfortable and confident with the lore and setting. I hope to perhaps join an adventuring group, that's my favourite kind RP!
Hello there! There's not a thing wrong with being fresh-faced to the game, we all started there at one point! If you've got any questions or are wondering about how stuff works, feel free to ask! There's a ton of collected lore and history to the game despite it's relatively young age.
Welcome! Good luck in the effort to get onto Balmung! We'll be here when you do ^_^
Welcome aboard! Smile There's always room for more lalafells.
One more sacrifice for the blood god? Good, we need to avoid shortage of two legged sausages for the great barbecue!

Come friend, let's put you to use.

(Or welcome too. But that's so boring)
Welcome Smile
Thank you for the warm welcome.

Once I jump into RP, could anyone recommend a company or guild that goes on adventures and has events sort of thing?

Welcome! I've played WoW myself as well!

I'm not entirely sure which Free Companies there are currently, much less operate in your timezone, but I can shamelessly direct you to the one I am part of. We have an adventuring theme to it as we are made up of adventurers and mercenaries.