Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Long-time lurker, saying hello!
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Wasn't sure whether to make a post in here or jump right back in, since my last post was in February. But then I thought hey, what's the harm!

So, re-hello everyone! I've been crawling around the forums for the past couple months, reading and rating and such. :D Looking forward to leaping back into the community!

My main character is Ruran Vas, though you may have known me/him as Locke Rinannis when I was frequenting the forums last. I'm always open for more RP or just a friendly OOC chat, so feel free to give me a poke!
Welcome o/
Thank you Nailah! <3
Hiya, welcome back!
Hey Faye! Thank you, it's great to be back~
oh hello stranger

Excited to see you get back into the community!

You don't give people candy with that mask on, do you?
ohai Mae~ Excited to be here, thank you! ...I like your avatar.

Xeno, let'sbehonest we both know that candy would be gone before it ever reached anyone else's hands. +_+
Your wiki is very nice and well done.
Thank you very much! It will forever be a work in progress. There's always something to nitpick to death. <_<