Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Looking for Feedback
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One transfer later, I've had a character concept stewing in my brain while I've been leveling, and wanted to get what I have out there to see what still needs revision, clarification, or what have you. I might have over 500 hours logged but some of the nitty gritty has probably escaped me since I've spent exactly none of that time actually roleplaying in-game. For some context: I wanted to keep the concept fairly down-to-earth to start out since I'm still getting my feet wet. I feel like the way I have her set up will leave her with several options to develop and grow. A few items are left vague due to me feeling it not important enough to warrant mention or I don't have any plans to make a big deal of it.

So, here it is in the form of the simple template on the wiki. I haven't made a page yet. I suppose it's a bit pedestrian at the end of the day, but I want to play it safe for my first outing. Side note, I have no idea what I did, but I seem to have completely screwed up the spoiler tags something fierce and can't figure out how to un-bungle it. Whoops.

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