Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Blowing into Town
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Hey guys,

Longtime rper that's bounced around a bunch of different MMOs from WoW to Rift. I kind of fell off for a while since I couldn't find any well populated rp communities outside of WoW, but I hear great things about ffxiv, so hey, thought I'd give this one a shot.

It'll be a few more days before I can transfer over, and I probably won't be on all that regularly because life, but if you bump into me, I can almost guarantee I'll be down for a good chat!
Hello there, welcome to the RPC! Big Grin I hope to see you on Balmung soon!
Welcome aboard to the RPC, and congratulations on your imminent move to Balmung! Thumbsup
Welcome to the RPC! Big Grin looking forward to your transfer to balmung! ^.^ If you decide that your character wants to be a criminal, gimme a poke for roleplay! Big Grin