Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: A brand new begining*!
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Howdy folks, I'm a returning player to Balmung, getting a fresh start to the RP scene since I never really bothered to dabble into it in the past. Those inns, taverns and pubs looked mighty intimidating to a lone player back in the day... I mean, they still do, but at least now I know of this little hub!

To get to the ever so brief point however, I'm looking forward to babbling or meandering about with any and all of you as well as just working my way into the community, even if it's just a dip of the toe!
Welcome to the RPC!
Welcome to the RPC Smile

I'll give you the same advice I gave everyone, the best way to start is to just walk up to people and say "Hello" in character. It's a little scary not knowing anyone... but it's also a little exciting too!

You don't know anything about the other person behind the screen, and they don't know anything about you! You're just two characters interacting. After a few interactions it won't feel scary at all.
Hey there, and welcome aboard to the RPC, and welcome back to Balmung! Thumbsup

If you're shy about walking up to people, I'd recommend getting plugged in with a few linkshells or creating a Making Connections post here on the RPC. It'll nab you some basic contacts at least- a good starting point, depending on what you're looking for! 

Regardless, it's a big community, so you can find just about anything you're looking for. Best of luck!
Hello and welcome back to Balmung and the RPC! If you are still finding those large tavern settings like the quicksand intimidating or just too much chat scroll to keep up with you might try one of the smaller events or even an RP tavern night hosted by one of the groups here. The Balmung RP event calendar is a great place to get started.

If you have any questions or feel like RPing you can always send me a tell.
Welcome, welcome! We're looking forward to meeting you too!