Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: The Ascians and Zodiark
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Do we know an Ascian comes into existence? Could someone become one?

Also what does take to summon Zodiark? Human sacrifices?
We don't really know exactly how an Ascian comes into existence, but leading theories are that they are similar in nature to Hydaelyn's Archons. We do know that they can possess people to have a physical body/presence in Eorzea.

We also don't know exactly what it takes to summon zodiark, but the destruction of Hydaelyn (the planet) appears to be a key factor in this.

Here're a few Ascian/Zodiark related posts I could find from one of our resident loremongers, Sounsyy.

2014 Vegas fan Fest Lore Panel Answers
Just Ascian a Question
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Question on rp and the possible multiverse