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Full Version: Ordo Rosa Atra
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The Light damages as surely as The Dark; best then to travel the path of Grey.

Ordo Rosa Atra
When the great powers of the world fall out of Balance it takes strength to bring things back into alignment. But working contrary to popularly held beliefs of Good and Evil means that Strength cannot be public but instead wielded in the shadows.

The Order is one dedicated to the preserving the Balance of the world. Established on the understanding that should Light or Dark fully overpower the other then the world will descend into apocalypse. In these troubled and dark times they often can be seen as an agent of The Light, they are ever mindful of the need to not fully commit.

OOC Details
ORA is a secret knighthood themed RP LS (FC once we're established!) exploring the moral grey zones of protecting the Balance of the world. Choosing to hew to Neutrality the knights of the order refrain from explicitly choosing sides and instead offer their help where it best offsets the push of the more dominant forces.

As the forces of Zodiark and The Dark encroach more prominently in the world of Eorzea more of the Order's activities will be to bolster the fading Light. But don't let that make you think we're a Good Guy group!

It takes all sorts to protect the Balance and all are needed. From Steadfast Knights to Covert Thieves and every range in between; so long as an individual strives to uphold their Oath of Neutrality they are welcome.

The Order is structured in a loose top-down hierarchy. For the purposes of RP in the Order, leadership is amongst the 'Elects' who collaborate on direction of the group. Linkshell Master and Leaders represent these Elects and are the story-tellers. All others are potential initiates.

The full structure will be fleshed out should this move to a Free Company.

Joining the LS
As this is just starting, it's starting as a Linkshell to gauge interest. Anyone who has an interest in a secret order RP is free to request an invite! There's no commitment and you can come and go as you please. If there develops a solid core (the leadership roles fill out at least) we'll move this to a proper FC.

So leave a post, send a message, or reach out to me in-game on Osha Tayuun!