Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: [Balmung] Poetry and Drama Class! Fridays @8pm Est/5pm Pst. [Weekly]
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Introducing the start of Isle of Paradise’s classes!  This week we kick it off to an exciting and much-anticipated start with classes beginning on wed extending into Friday!

Come on down to partake in an experience that is sure to educate and titillate your mind as well as your fingers!  Got stage fright? A lot on your mind and unsure how to put quill to parchment? Fingers ticking away at the strings but never performed for others before? If there’s a song or word in your heart then never fear for the lovely and oh so talented Raeje Draeka has kindly offered her services to those that wish to take the next step beyond their chamber doors.

Miss Draeka, has a vast multitude of experience to share with those willing to learn and listen.  She has performed at many venues in the past including with our music director Alexei Zolotse on many occasions during their employ together at the Gilded Pony.  The beautiful and alluring performer has quite a bit of an intriguing background and a true eye for the arts.  Want to learn more about her? Or you’ve heard of her and want to see how she does what she does best? Then we invite you and any you would enjoy bringing to attend her First Poetry and Drama class with IoP, on Friday April 7th, @8pm Est/5pm Pst.Moogle

You don’t have to be an enrolled student for this class, please come visit us, take the time to see if this is something you’d be interested in and if so? talk to our lovely Admissions Director Enzeru Onizuka or our music Director Alexei Zolotse for more details or questions. 

We look forward to seeing you there!!! Thumbsup
Happening in Half a bell!  \o/
Cancelled tonight 4/21/2017 due to Miss Raeje having practice and starring in the upcoming Masquerade pictured below!!!

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Class will resume at regular Schedule next firesday!