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... Can't both situations exist? It doesn't seem like one has to deny the existence of the other.

Yes, there's a lot of RP potential here and that attracts people who want to get in but can't due to the sheer number of people on Balmung. Conversely, those that do get in looking for RP might get overwhelmed by the sheer number or left on the wayside because there's so many RPers that folks may often just stick with the handful of regular buddies to hang out with.

To go back to the buffet allegory (because it's almost lunchtime for me, I'm hungry, and I'm strangely jonesing for some mac and cheese now Wink )... setting up another server as an RP one is more like opening a second buffet. Or at least attempting to - you have to get enough food there and get the word out enough that it becomes popular. That way, you have two buffets to choose from for where you want to eat.

So if you (or your friends) like that original buffet more, it's still there to partake from. But if the lines are too long, you can move to the other. And hopefully, eventually, from this talk about cross-server groups and stuff becoming more commonplace.. the two buffets will have a sort of open-air neutral dining area for everyone to hang out in.
Every time I comment on a thread about someone asking about transferring into Balmung, I liken it to moving to the big city. You have to put forth a lot of effort in order to be noticed and to get involved in the RP that's going on. The player won't have a small group of say 15 people all falling over themselves to cater to their whims since there are so few. I won't go so far as to say it's sink-or-swim because I know there ARE many FC/LS groups on Balmung that WILL bend over backwards to help new players. (And heck, I know of some folks who ONLY rp with those in their own FC and never venture out to any public events, in essence making their own 'small community' within the larger. Whatever works for them.) The big city is certainly not for everyone, but there are many who love it (I'm one of them). I don't feel that Balmung is somehow oversaturated with RPers. Heck, I think it needs more. I love big events and being aswim in chat (/p chat is a lifesaver). Our responses to Balmung's RP population is just gonna be really subjective.
This is...disappointing. I have a friend who started the same day as me but couldn't get into Balmung, and was going to transfer once his character was three days old. That third day was during the downtime, and now this. Sad
I'm not certain how many of you here tried to battle the big guy, when it comes down to roleplay servers. I did on WoW when my old server ended up dying. We ran so many events ourselves, and while I had a blast for months, it was a uphill, losing battle. We gave up and transferred off. I think if I couldn't transfer to that big remaining RP server, I would have simply quit that game. I imagine more new and/or older roleplayers on other servers might end up doing this due to the server lock.

Establishing/reviving a RP server is really not as easy as people make it out to be.
(05-17-2017, 10:48 AM)Jeanne IX Wrote: [ -> ]This is...disappointing. I have a friend who started the same day as me but couldn't get into Balmung, and was going to transfer once his character was three days old. That third day was during the downtime, and now this. Sad

I think that's the biggest downside to all this. Was this lockdown mentioned anywhere so that people could be aware it was coming? Having some heads-up beforehand probably would've helped a lot with this sort of "fallout" for the decision.
(05-17-2017, 10:20 AM)Kylin Wrote: [ -> ]*Quote stuff*

I would have to disagree with parts of this here with having been one of those that started over on Gilgamesh in 2.0 and came to Balmung at a much later date.

The having such a myriad of options for rp opens is amazing or was amazing at the start of Gilgamesh. You could do anything you wanted and go everywhere just like in Balmung today. But as time progressed and the much smaller Gilgamesh population rp'd on little bits of friction among players would spring up. This is inevitable as it is impossible for everyone to get along. The beauty at the start was that it could be ignored or easily washed out with the flood of other rpers around. If you didn't like what ever might have set you the wrong way you could get past it just like what Balmung offers in spades today.

What really starts becoming a issue is when those types start creating drama about 'ABC' conflict to other rpers. You get people who just don't want to deal with it and move on. Some will just blacklist the rabble rousers and continue on with their rp. While others will just ignore it at the time and hope it's a limited one time issue. In the smaller communities it is hard to get away or around issues like this. Then you get people fed up and wanting to move to the bigger rp server to once again have the sense of easily ignoring a problem person. This is why Gilgamesh has for the most part died down to a very tiny fraction of what it was compared to the start of 2.0 ARR. Other factors did happen over it's past but things like this were big reasons why a lot of us are now on Balmung.

Taking this back to the buffet analogy. Just because there is a ton of food in front of you it doesn't mean you need to try and eat it all at once. The RPC here has some amazing options for finding like minded rp ideas, events, players, and FCs. Take a look and see what you like then dig in or sample a little of each.
I see your point Kylin and yes, larger communities are more difficult to find that 'perfect place'  This is why infrastructure like we have here is required.  It's not entirely unlike trying to find a place to hang out when moving to a new major city in the real world.

There's a certain balance needed between actually having a choice and choice paralysis.  The latter I believe is what you are describing.  I actually suffer from the latter.  I'm not (and haven't ever been) in an RP FC  (or even a real FC on Balmung, everyone in my FC is my and my spouses alts).  Just can't sort out where I'd actually fit in despite the number of opportunities available.

As far as people leaving, there is always churn, and that is something that does concern me about the lock.  Even assuming the (non existent) perfectly functioning community, there are always players that move out of it due to various reasons (work, new game, new RL constraints, social issues, death, etc), while it's been noticed (FC events going away, taverns being delisted) I've kind of come to expect this in any community.   We're a bit far from perfect due to the simple nature of being human.

Maybe this behooves us, as a community, to get the previously mentioned mentoring program going again.  
Maybe we need a better searchable FC / LS list to assist people in finding what they need beyond the simple "Making Connections" forum here.  Perhaps something on the official forums as well?

Perhaps someone will step up and start any of those initiatives?  If so, regardless of the lock persisting the community will be in a better place.
(05-17-2017, 10:49 AM)Virella Wrote: [ -> ]Establishing/reviving a RP server is really not as easy as people make it out to be.

It's essentially a job and requires more than just a few tens of people. It also can't rely on just a few because the basics of a community can be found in the basics of an FC which not all FCs thrive and survive.
(05-17-2017, 04:33 AM)foxfirestorm Wrote: [ -> ]*looks over here*

(05-17-2017, 03:07 AM)Unnamed Mercenary Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-17-2017, 02:49 AM)LiadansWhisper Wrote: [ -> ]Kind of shitty they did this so suddenly without warning.

They've been telling us to not transfer to fill world's for a really long time. They just weren't actually enforcing their words. It sucks, but this is also the perfect chance to foster some larger RP communities on other servers. (I can almost hear Mateus server people screaming!)

And why would we be screaming?
Just curious actually.

Given the reason I generated the RPC on Mateus was to actually prepare for this very thing. To grow a location that was extremely low pop to help bleed off what was going to be Balmung (formly Besaid) mass size being locked.

I can't help but since a little aggression from that, though I do know some people on Mateus have not been very.... well behaved. Though such behavior is out of my hands, sadly. Given there is now a growing mix culture on the server.. And even I plan to step away from the RPC I started and formulate something else to continue to foster some growth.

Edit Note:
You guys can either help with this or not. Maybe even look at other low pop servers, but I was part of the team that helped make Balmung what it is today and back then-- we never dreamed it would get this large. It sucks, yes, but it is also not the end of the world.

PS - could also be miss reading the aggression levels. It is late and running on lack of sleep. Go text context missing! *does a go go gadget dragoon! ... Right off the Titan platform*

Moonlit's reply after was basically what I meant. No aggression. We just received a fair number of feedback from Mateus users, which was good! (I meant yelling as in like excitement, cheering, etc.) ...I was also awake 3 hours later than normal, listening to a variety of in-the-house-yelling and watching the panic on the Offical Forums. ...not my best moments to write a post. I shoulda at least said "Mateus people screaming 'come to our server!' "


The thing that makes this so tricky is that the RPC strives to be server-neutral. ...which didn't really happen when everyone kept going to Balmung because it was established. I don't personally think it's "our" (the staff's) place to just arbitrarily tell people which server to pick. I always saw that as something that rested on the user base of the game. (Not gonna say community because I don't think servers have a single community, we have many, some of which overlap and interlink).

Now, for other servers, I would suggest NA people mostly try to focus on the Aether datacenter, since we can at least foster cross-world RP whether that's in parties or instances. SE is working on expanded cross-world interaction, so it seems like a good fit. And hey, we can help each other level up and clear content too!

As far as a dedicated EU RP server goes, I think there are similar concerns to what's happening in NA. It'd be cool if there was a designated place, but building up enough active people to make it sustainable and somewhere a new person would want to go is really tough. Especially if the EU servers are getting closed during primetime like Balmung and others had.
Uuuh. Didn't Gilgamesh RP sort of low key failed due to (knowingly) going to the unofficial Reddit server? Non-RPers tend to bully RPers after all. That's the reason why I heard that Gilgamesh flopped.
(05-17-2017, 10:51 AM)Gegenji Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-17-2017, 10:48 AM)Jeanne IX Wrote: [ -> ]This is...disappointing. I have a friend who started the same day as me but couldn't get into Balmung, and was going to transfer once his character was three days old. That third day was during the downtime, and now this. Sad

I think that's the biggest downside to all this. Was this lockdown mentioned anywhere so that people could be aware it was coming? Having some heads-up beforehand probably would've helped a lot with this sort of "fallout" for the decision.
I didn't hear a peep about it.
Uh. Well, looks like my unhappy ass might be going to Faerie, so that I can better assist my RL friends who are about to start playing with making them gear and such. Kind of sucks that it's come to this. They really should've provided incentives for people to transfer off much sooner.
(05-17-2017, 10:57 AM)Unnamed Mercenary Wrote: [ -> ]Now, for other servers, I would suggest NA people mostly try to focus on the Aether datacenter, since we can at least foster cross-world RP whether that's in parties or instances. SE is working on expanded cross-world interaction, so it seems like a good fit. And hey, we can help each other level up and clear content too!

The point about the Aether datacenter is a good one.  I think eventually SE may make cross-datacenter possible, but being able to do cross-world RP in parties in the present is better than waiting on future game development to come.
(05-17-2017, 11:00 AM)Virella Wrote: [ -> ]Uuuh. Didn't Gilgamesh sort of low key failed due to (knowingly) going to the unofficial Reddit server? Non-RPers tend to bully RPers after all. That's the reason why I heard that Gilgamesh flopped.

It's generally never a single reason. Gilgamesh had it's own conflicts, became the reddit server, became the raiding server, and probably had all sorts of other designations placed on it.

Similar to how Balmung was labeled for just ERP, stupid fanfest/liveletter questions, etc. THe markers really don't have any meaning beyond gossip.
Hi there. Smile 

I was one of those players waiting for the 2-day maintenance to end to do a transfer to Balmung. I've been enjoying the gameplay of FFXIV so much, that I've decided to stay put where I am and invest in the budding RP community there. 

I've been playing on Fairie with another friend that intended to transfer as well. She's more outgoing than I am, and started wearing the RP tag, and sending whispers to everyone she found in search wearing the RP tag. 

Through those connections, she found a couple of guilds and various individuals interested in growing the RP community. They established a website and a discord, and hosted two RP events last week to bring players together that wanted to connect for RP. I don't know if there's other pockets of RPers floating about as I'm still new, but I'll leave this information here in case anyone else got shut out of Balmung like we did. I figure worst case scenario is help grow the community and if it doesn't work out, then maybe Balmung will be available for transfers down the road and we can try to get in then.

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