Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Things a newbie should know before roleplaying in-game?
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I've roleplayed within forums and (somewhat) in chatrooms before, though, roleplaying in-game is a whole new thing for me. What are some things I should know before I attempt to do this? Are there any terms I should know? Walk-ups are just randos approaching, correct?
RPing in-game works about the same as forums/chatrooms/tabletop. The same basic rules of "please do not metagame, powergame/godmod, or be rude out-of-character" apply.

There's a great starter post made by Eva that's been pinned in this section, as well as a list of more commonly discussed subjects as of 2016 that are both useful! Depending on how lore-compliant you'd like your character to be and what ideas you'd like to work with, there are a lot of resources on and off the RPC at your disposal!

For general inquiries and discussions on the game's lore, check out the Lore Discussion board. Do note that it's not for player-character-specific questions. Those are better handled in the Character Workshop forum!

If at any time you've got any questions, do ask them! If you're unsure about where to post something or a site feature, or need to test some formatting/polls/etc, private threads between you and the staff can be made in the Requests and Feedback forum.
As long as you've got some kind of knowledge and a good attitude, it's not too difficult to get a spark going. The overwhelming majority of people I've played and RPed with have been very forgiving to someone who is new, even if it's only new to a specific scene. If you have prior experience, you've got a leg up. 

Just do some reading, get to know your community a bit, and find a group of friends (even 1 or 2) who you're comfortable with if you don't want to dive into random walk ups. 

Also, use this forum! Run things by people OOC and say "hey does this sound stupid?" lol I haven't been on this site long myself, but it seems to be full of helpful people.
I know it's written for "that other game", but Sullivan's RP Survival Guide has been my go to of introducing people to roleplaying.


A lot of the stuff under the "RP Survival Guide" drop down still applies in general.

It's a little archaic since it's based around a mid set of how roleplay was viewed when 'that other game' launched and, well, MMO's hit a different demographic now as compared to before, but a lot of the suggestions still work.
That link is exactly what I needed, Erah'sae.

Thank you for dealing with my silly questions, everyone. You've all been a tremendous help!
(06-07-2017, 06:29 PM)Fuu Wrote: [ -> ]That link is exactly what I needed, Erah'sae.

Thank you for dealing with my silly questions, everyone. You've all been a tremendous help!

It's silly to not ask those questions. Big Grin