Hydaelyn Role-Players

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---> Crime and Villains

As we all know, no story becomes truly intriguing without a well-played, charming or simply truly unsettling and fearsome antagonist. It is a role that is indeed hard to play and pull off credibly, but many RPers show a particular talent at that - and luckily they are among us, for they spice up our story with just the struggle we need!

Crime-related characters, villains, antagonists of all sorts are welcome in the Crime and Villains  new Linkshell on Omega Server. If you enjoy taking up on the role of the 'bad guy' of extremely questionable morals and nefarious intents, then here you will find like-minded people to plot with!

The general idea would be creating a properly, tight-knit underworld network of shady characters of all kinds, no matter their race, gender or background. This is a LS for those who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty to achieve personal goals that will most likely clash with the local law/government/general sense of morality.

Whisper: Dwassyith Swanra
On Monday 10th of July, we're going to have our first ship-heist event!

Mostly a test to see how we work this out together (rolls, free emoting, eventing style, DM'ing, quality of the storyline, people's reactions in general) but regardless of that, it's a start. Smile 

Will take place in Limsa.

(If anyone is willing to NPC Maelstrom Guards, they are more than welcome to! We can use all the NPC'ing help we can get.)