Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Collective
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With war comes opportunity. With war comes chaos and need and displacement. In such times, it takes a certain type of individual (or simply a hefty paycheck) to stand up and risk health and home to venture past the lines of comfort or safety. A group of wealthy Eorzeans have decided to pool resources to fund an initiative known as the Collective, an array such of individuals from all ilks and creeds tasked with foraying into the unknown and doing what needs to be done... And sometimes what doesn't.
The Collective is currently searching for
Medical personnel
Investors looking for profit
If you feel your character has any of the skillsets mentioned above, or you feel you have something else to bring to the table, please don't hesitate to contact us or apply here.


ICly we are a fledgling venture company that picks up odd jobs along the path of the main mission. OOCly we are an 18+ RP Free Company based on Balmung looking for new faces interested in joining our quirky cast. If you’d like to join us, pop on over to our application. For any questions, shoot Khatyun Dotharl, Veronica Wright, Jin Khoroushi a PM on Enjin, hop into our Discord or message one of us in-game.