Hydaelyn Role-Players

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Eorzean Adventure Society

Hi there, Welcome to the RPC front page for the CROSSROADS adventure society.
We are a medium leveled role play free company based on Balmung server. A quick overview of this page should tell you everything you need to know if this is the Free Company for you.

  • World Exploration - Crossroads events always take place around Eorzea. If you are looking for a legitimate excuse to explore the nations and participate in sweeping narratives across the lands, we do that.

  • Mystery - Crossroads at times, takes on mystery events where the adventuring company may have to step outside their comfort zone to solve a series of mysteries. Magical, Logical or ..Murder-cal

  • Monster Hunts - Eorzea is a dangerous place. Sometimes, Adventurers are required to make sure that the roads are clean. Be these bandits, out of control Morbols or otherkin, there is always coin to be made.

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Chapter 1: Aleport

The first stormblood long lasting plot of Crossroads begins in Aleport! the adventurers and clerks preparing caravans and cargo for the seabound adventure towards the near-eastern front! What troubles will arise with such simple tasks?