Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Fellwyrm Sodality - BRYNHILDR
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So far, we're only three active members strong, but we prefer to keep the group small to foster group intimacy.

As founders, my husband and I both have about twenty years of RP experience under our belts each. We stick to naming conventions, essential lore, but are definitely open to new and interesting twists to the story.

All we want are creative people who want to have fun in a fantastic other world.

We take our time with the game content and prefer a more casual approach to gameplay. We choose the classes we enjoy for personal reasons, not to satisfy dungeon mechanics.

For instance, I've been enamored with the Dragoon since I first played FFIV back in the early '90s as a teen. Having the chance to be my -own- Dragoon is immensely exciting to me. That's the kind of spirit we like to see in our members.

If you're interested, please send a tell to Aderyn Highwind or Chanar Nergui.