Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: [Ragnarok] A new contender appears ! *cue battle music*
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So, I have been lurking around there for quite some time ; Guess it was about time I finally made myself an account, which means a mandatory presentation !

Hello there, the name is Eskina. Well, it is not my real name but it is a pseudonym I use pretty much everywhere (DUH !). I have been playing MMOs for quite some time now, the first one being Dofus I began right when it launched (Which means September 2004), before moving onto more "mature" MMOs with time.
Roleplaying has pretty much always been part of my life, since I used to attend drama classes when I was a little snotty shit kid. It moved to tabletops when I got 10, then I started to roleplay on MMOs, and later expanded to forums too. In short, I roleplayed on various mediums and still do.

Onto the character then ! I first started as a Female Roegadyn, a former pirate turned Lominsan musketeer, who later went on to join the Machinists once Ishgard stopped acting all Trump-like. But that was before I got Heavensward and discovered the Au Ra, especially a certain Xaela tribe : The Qestir.
I have always been fascinated by mutism, so much that I barely even talk IRL myself ; And finding a roleplayable tribe whose schtick is their refusal to talk, I used my first-time membership Fantasia, bought a name change, and became a good old Qestir Xaela. Further details will come in due time on the character presentation sheet.

I think that does it for this small introduction. Thanks for reading the ramblings of a madman Thumbsup
Welcome to the forums! Smile
Hey there and welcome aboard to the RPC! Thumbsup

Sadly I don't know how much of an RP presence is over on Ragnarok, but best of luck on the hunt all the same!