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Full Version: Couple Othard, Raen questions
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If anyone is willing to answer them~

It seems we are still fairly short on information based around the Raen as a people and Othard information but I wanted to see if maybe I had just missed a good amount of lore during my dig because I am blind or if I had indeed uncovered everything I could find.


I was interested, did we get any lore on Othard medications? Herbs, things like that? I do not have a leveled botanist so I have no idea if any leves said anything of interest on Othards medical practices. Their plants, illnesses, overall magical classes that frequent there? 

As for the Raen, I know of Sui-no-Sato and I was curious about a bit more on it. Can't get in the game right now (obviously) to check on anything myself or re-read so I was curious if anyone kept the information:

Can those Raen breath underwater as the Kojin do? They said they were taught but I wasn't quite sure if that meant what I thought it may mean.

Is it unheard of for Raen that lived there to feel some need to stop being there, would they ever be allowed back in or is it a 'once you leave never return' sort of deal in speculation?

I know the Xaela and Raen have some obvious bad blood between them, what are the chances of them ever co-inhabiting. Such as a displaced Xaela youth being welcomed into a Raen colony such as Sui-no-Sato or just Raen in general? Unheard of, or more likely then you think? 

My most important question is the medicinal one, what do we know of their medicines? 

(I will be honest I probably powered through most of these answers when I originally went through the Stormblood quests. I reap what I sow I suppose. Thank you for any information you have and can give, it is greatly appreciated)
I find it unlikely that Sui-no-Sato would accept any stranger in their village as citizens seeing how reclusive they can be. Except very special cases like that fisherman that married the kurenai princess back then... It's hard to tell in fine. Maybe? But unlikely.

We have no other example of full Raen communities: the rest is always about Raen being integrated into the Doman society and living there among their Hyur buddies, working for their Hyur Daimyos.

There is the other way around though, where Xaela communities accept Raen into their ranks:

Malaguld Tribe Wrote:One of the only tribes that accepts people of the Raen--those that have been exiled, or those who have fled persecution--into their circle.
(10-10-2017, 02:10 AM)Puzami Wrote: [ -> ]It seems we are still fairly short on information based around the Raen as a people and Othard information but I wanted to see if maybe I had just missed a good amount of lore during my dig because I am blind or if I had indeed uncovered everything I could find.

There's not much lore to be had on the Raen, but you can find what lore we have on them and the Xaela in this racial lore compilation.

The reason Raen are so difficult to find lore unique to them is because culturally, they assimilate and adapt to whatever region or city-state they live in. So Raen who live near Doma in the Yanxian province adapt to Doman life and culture while those who live in Hingashi adapt to the culture there. While others likely exist, the only isolated Raen village seems to be Sui-no-Sato beneath the Ruby Sea.

(10-10-2017, 02:10 AM)Puzami Wrote: [ -> ]I was interested, did we get any lore on Othard medications? Herbs, things like that? I do not have a leveled botanist so I have no idea if any leves said anything of interest on Othards medical practices. Their plants, illnesses, overall magical classes that frequent there? My most important question is the medicinal one, what do we know of their medicines?

- Healer, Non-magical Healing, and Injury Lore
- Tinolqa's Botanica Eorzea
- Far Eastern Geomancy

I just recently did a rather large compilation for (mostly) non-magical healing in Eorzea and beyond. Unfortunately, I didn't find a lot on Far Eastern practices, but I've also not transcribed all of their levequests down yet so something might turn up and I'll add it to the list. I do have some common Far Eastern remedies listed under the hamlet healers section though.

For plants, the best place to look is Tinolqa's Botanica Eorzea, but I'm not sure if they've updated yet.

As for magicks, Ninja technically qualifies, but the most prevalent one is the Far Eastern Geomancer, which I've included lore on above.

(10-10-2017, 02:10 AM)Puzami Wrote: [ -> ]As for the Raen, I know of Sui-no-Sato and I was curious about a bit more on it. Can't get in the game right now (obviously) to check on anything myself or re-read so I was curious if anyone kept the information:

Can those Raen breath underwater as the Kojin do? They said they were taught but I wasn't quite sure if that meant what I thought it may mean.

Is it unheard of for Raen that lived there to feel some need to stop being there, would they ever be allowed back in or is it a 'once you leave never return' sort of deal in speculation?

- Sui-no-Sato Lore

I don't recall it being explicitly said the Raen of Sui-no-Sato have the Kojin blessing, but I believe it is implied. The Raen leave their city and swim to the surface to sing and gather food on their own. Whereas several of the Confederacy NPCs remark it would be impossible to make the journey to Sui-no-Sato without being able to breath underwater, ergo.

(10-10-2017, 02:10 AM)Puzami Wrote: [ -> ]I know the Xaela and Raen have some obvious bad blood between them, what are the chances of them ever co-inhabiting. Such as a displaced Xaela youth being welcomed into a Raen colony such as Sui-no-Sato or just Raen in general? Unheard of, or more likely then you think?

You can find a Xaela NPC or two in Hingashi, actually. Though Xaela are largely nomadic and don't appear to settle in any one place for long, culturally. So seeing one in a city like Kugane is likely a rarity.

Encyclopedia Eorzea Wrote:Possessed of a strong self-preservation instinct, the Au Ra believe in protecting tribe and family, though the means by which the two clans choose to do so diverges greatly. The Raen coexist peacefully with other races to ensure the safety of their own land, while the fiercely tribal Xaela shun relations with other races, even viewing strangers of their own kind as potential enemies. As such, the former are viewed favorably by the outside world, while the latter are typically regarded with suspicion and hostility.

As for Sui-no-Sato, specifically, it's unlikely a Xaela would be able to go there, as mentioned in the link above due to their inability to breath underwater (though perhaps an Ejinn could swim it?). In any case, Sui-no-Sato doesn't exactly welcome outsiders, because they almost never get any.

Other than that, the other known places where Raen make their homes are Hingashi and Doma, and it's more than possible that a Xaela could make their home there. Just that this seems to be a rarity.

Hope this helps! ^^ Lemme know if you have more questions!
(10-10-2017, 07:03 AM)Sounsyy Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-10-2017, 02:10 AM)Puzami Wrote: [ -> ]As for the Raen, I know of Sui-no-Sato and I was curious about a bit more on it. Can't get in the game right now (obviously) to check on anything myself or re-read so I was curious if anyone kept the information:

Can those Raen breath underwater as the Kojin do? They said they were taught but I wasn't quite sure if that meant what I thought it may mean.

Is it unheard of for Raen that lived there to feel some need to stop being there, would they ever be allowed back in or is it a 'once you leave never return' sort of deal in speculation?

- Sui-no-Sato Lore

I don't recall it being explicitly said the Raen of Sui-no-Sato have the Kojin blessing, but I believe it is implied. The Raen leave their city and swim to the surface to sing and gather food on their own. Whereas several of the Confederacy NPCs remark it would be impossible to make the journey to Sui-no-Sato without being able to breath underwater, ergo.
There's also the side-quest with the... Sapphire-haired Girl, I believe? Wherein you take over the task of collecting some manner of seaweed thing from the sea floor? It's closer to shore so it isn't (comparatively) that deep, but it would imply they swim out to gather the stuff.
Thank you all for the wonderful information! It is really helpful I happily take all I can get <3 thank you everyone so much~