Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: [Mateus] Any villains and baddies out there?
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I am sure there are tons out there in such a vast world, but my roleplay is rather limited due to the fact I know not a lot of lore and I only know two RP hubs!

At the moment I am curious and wondering if there are any baddie folks out there, because I tend not to see any out in public! Is there FCs for that sort of thing? Where do people like that gather in game? Maybe a hub for baddies and anti-heroes?

I am not planning on letting my character turn villain but I do know I want her to not see just the flowery side of life for character progression;
her optimism might be a bad thing so I want some realism that isn't idle tavern chatter in the Quicksand.

If anyone plays a more rough around the edge sort of character I would love to meet you or anyone you know!
Feel free to message me here or meet up in game~.