Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: MMO newb, RP veteran here
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Hey guys! FFXIV is my first MMO that I've sunk time into, and I had no idea there was a big roleplay community until a couple days ago. I have been into RP for about 6 years now via various forums and I am very excited to get involved with you all. As a part of the Exodus server, my journey to RP may be a bit limited.

My current and only character is Nikoten Walei, male miqo'te son of a farmer and struggling to take on the new responsibilities he has in his life. Formerly a pugilist/monk turned samurai after being inspired by the bladework of samurai.

I consider myself a medium/heavy roleplayer. I enjoy deep narratives that explore how characters interact between each other and the world around them. I truly love watching relationships develop over time between PCs and watching how differing personalities can connect with other.

I live in the US myself and turned 21 today. I work retail for minimum pay and spend days off playing games of varying types, including FFXIV.

Hope to see someone around on Exodus!
Welcome aboard!