Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: P'axi
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Hellu C:

Just gonna start a thread for my char P'axi Tia (You can see his profile here ).

This is his profile pic

[Image: paxi.jpg]

This was a gift for Cassandrajp <3
[Image: tima_pax_moogle.jpg]
And a doodle. That's it for now!
[Image: paxi_kid_read.jpg]
Yay you posted!!!!

I'm still giggling over that little comic ;__; All I can do when I see moogles is stare at their little fluffy springy pom-pom!
Luvverly style you got, and good technical skills to boot!
Hi and welcome to the RPC!
I have to admit after reading P'axi's demeanor, it makes me feel like I'm looking at a mirror of my own character (This is good!). I really wonder how their interactions would be, seeing that share a lot of the same personality!

Glad to have you finally join us! If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask or shoot a PM. I look forward to seeing you in game!
Yay! We meet at last! Let's be friends~ I can't wait to meet P'axi and Tim'a IG! And beautiful arts too?? Sold. Heart
Thanks guys ;u; *wave*
Fantastic art! More more more! Smile
So much talent here. Keep sharing!
Very nice! I look forward to seeing you in game August!
Daaaaaw the comic is adorable~! I love the giant, cute eyes.
Very Nice!
OH MY GAH! I LOVE the picture of the Moogle coming out of nowhere and you two playin with his little bobble ball! That was so adorables! Now, the doodle just looks epic as hell. Big Grin
Love it Smile
...*taru flail* the moogle one ...is adorible