Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Grand Company Items
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Initially I joined the Twin Adders because I had figured that since the LNC guild was in that nation, their items would be tipped towards that and the other classes there. But I saw on the first pages every weapon type was up for offer by the Twin Adders. I am curious, do the GC's offer more local class specific equipment at later ranks or is it unilateral with just different names/appearances? Because the other GC outfits definitely look cooler I think.
sadly, any GC items you have you can only equip if you are part of said GC.  So if you were to join the Maelstrom, any Twin Adders gear you have would be unequipable.

As for how it progresses in 2.0, I'm not sure.  But Limsa was heavily Melee Focused in 1.0, Gridania magic focused and Ul'dah was more Tank Focused.

Edit: misread part of your question. Yes, as you rank up, more weapons and types become available.
(07-01-2013, 07:30 PM)Nel Celestine Wrote: [ -> ]sadly, any GC items you have you can only equip if you are part of said GC.

I know, but In Phase 4 I'll pick a different GC if the items I can get are virtually the same. (Probably Limsa since my character is from there.)
they are mostly the same yes.  however the stat bonuses on them depends on the city-state.
Well, I can't post anything related to lancer equipment, but I do have an image of the twin adder caster stuff. Here is a picture of my character with all the stuff on.

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