Hydaelyn Role-Players

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first of all i like to give a shout out to nel and all the people who did ( I Remember videos ) i really enjoyed them i hope to see more  

 ok let tell you my name its Rush and i will be playing as a male seek i know shocking right ''smile''i like the miqo te hairstyle and faces but anyway in my past i played DCOU and GW2 and i role played a lil on white knights chronicles 2 so know lil bite ( oh please forgive for the way it is type im on ps3 ) but anyways

my styles is i like to picture myself as though i was born it to that world and to see things through his or hers eyes it sounds crazy i know but its fun i mean ask yourself, if you was living there how would react ?i to like use emotes im no story writer as you can guess and some you guys back stories are really good and detailed and well thought out maybe some of you can help me in that well i wagged my tongue long enough well it's good to meet you eveyone maybe well get to play together on Belmung
Hai~! Welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay/experience!
thank you
Hello Rush!

There's a few people that pride themselves in sort of a "going with the flow" role play, so you'll be a good fit Tongue

Look forward to seeing you on Balmung Thumbsup
Welcome Rush!

I'm fairly new to the RP-Community of Final Fantasy XIV as well and what I can tell you is that they are certainly the most welcoming RP-Community I've been apart of in my long illustrious gaming career. I hope you enjoy your stay and feel free to reach out to people; You'll find the experience even more rewarding.
thanks! I'm glad I inspired you to come on over!

welcome rush pull up  a set and make youself at home
In my opinion I think this is the best form of RP.  I myself have never RPed any other way.   My my current adventure has me living the life of Dartamian N'astal, a retired adventurer. Although he is never hesitant to offer a helping hand, he seeks only to amass a fortune of Gil, purchase a mansion and to dwell peacefully until his death. Keeping mostly to himself his past remains a mystery to most.  These days he can be seen walking the streets of Ul'dah.  Having acquired a job with the local miners guild, Dartamian tries to live a normal life.  However as fate would have it Ul'dah is anything but normal and this usually results in Dartamian having to assistance one of the locals.  Though he may fight it, there is a longing for adventure that still burns inside our hero-to-be.