Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Planning for Good-Alignment based Linkshell
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So I am planning a good-alignment based Linkshell soon. I've named it Arcaedus, and it's more of military oriented guild to protect citizens of Eorzea. (No. I've not actually filled any backgrounds yet so far.)

It's not fully confirmed to see if we'll have it as Free Company, this is my future plans. But I'd like to know if anyone else would be interested in talking about this matter. My information will be shown on the directory Smile

God speed everyone!
Great name! I like your concept very much!

Mayhap Driftwood Coast can freelance with your fine organization sometime. Smile
Its a great idea honestly we do need more of these. I hope it goes really well and looking forward to you listing more information about the concept itself.
Military oriented guilds are always fun! and hey, someones got to create the guild/linkshells at somepoint ^^
Nice idea. Well, erm, just don't look in the direction of Wayward Star, we're an honest law-abiding adventuring company, I swear! Wink

Could make interesting roleplay between the shady types and goody toe shoes. Tongue
I command the Echo Knights along side Shep and your may be soon to be links shell kinda sound like are. We are a military guild. So I love to speak with you about is.
Seems like a cool idea, though my character Chiyo is more-or-less a 'mercenary' if anything. She might just join Arcaedus barely or unofficially.
I always like the idea of a PC police force type of guild, but they usually fall short without a constant threat to deal with. Though it is always fun to see them throw out rowdy people from taverns and even jail people Big Grin.

I remember in GW2 there was a police force guild and when one of the PC politicians were murdered they were looking into who did it. One of the guards who got too close to the truth was also murdered. It was pretty exciting to see it unfold and plus I had a character who was connected to the police guy who was murdered (mostly just using him as an informant to keep a one up on things going on) who became really upset that she lost her one of her best connections; so my character also got involved in the whole mess. 

I was not around when the whole thing was resolved, but it was fun to see it all unfold and how they went around trying to gather clues and questioning people. I wish you luck in your endeavor!