Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Noëlle!
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Well, since I've not worked out my character details I've decided to occupy myself filling this out.

RL Age: 22
Country: England
Timezone: GMT

--Why do you like to RP?
Well, I guess that for me it's an escape.
I always feel that my real life is mundane and uninteresting; I also feel that way about other people's lives, the rich and the famous included. It's all just so... dull.

RPing is, for me, a chance to play someone who can do all kinds of interesting and excting things you can't find in our world.

Basic info


--Current primary linkshell:
Not in a Linkshell at present.

RP Preferences:

--RP style (light, casual, moderate, or heavy)?

Moderate to Heavy.
That said, i do enjoy the occasional banter with people, and it'd be good to make friends out of character too.

--Are you willing to RP a fight scene in game? If so, preferred method of combat? (/randoming, skill based, etc)
I rather wouldn't. Even with two people of decent and level understanding, things can go horribly wrong.

--Are you willing to take major injuries in game? (ie limb loss, comas, etc.)


--Under what circumstances, if any, would you allow your character to be killed off?
If I was intending on quitting forever.

--Are you willing to RP romance in game? How far are you willing to go?
I'd like to say that i would be willing, but it really depends on a bunch of things.
So probably not.

--What kind of non-romantic RP relationships are you seeking? (family ties, etc)

Friends is an obvious yes, be kind've silly to join if i wanted to be alone.

--How far from the actual lore are you willing to stray?
I'd rather not. I've DM'd a fair bit, and players who try and play against ingame lore are a pain.
I try to avoid doing it.

--Views on chat functions (IC vs OOC in /party, /linkshell, /say)?
Aslong as it's clear what's going on, then i don't see a problem.
If the rules are established then that's great, brackets for OOC or no OOC at all, etc.

--Will most of your RP be confined in a single linkshell or will you try to RP with as many as possible?

I have no idea. This'll be my first time RPing in an MMO.
I'll just see how it goes!

--How do you prefer to be contacted? (PM or post in this thread)
Either works!

Thanks for reading!
<---- Look here! Recognize that? Smile
Great response.