Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Looking for RP partners! [Balmung Server]
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Good evening! I've been hovering here in the forums and decided, after some time of searching, that I would make a post to try and find some sort of active RP group/community.

First, allow me to give some background on myself as an individual and Val as a character.

I am currently a college student and work a part time job, so I'm not able to get online at exact times on certain days. I have been an active role player for some time, originating in the old Yahoo chats (Ayenee/Nerima) and extending from there to various MMOs. 

As for Val Nunh, he is a male Miqo'te Seeker. He is a mercenary that works for the Immortal Flames. His background information and as to how he ended up there will be left to detail should anyone converse with him. =)

To be quite honest, he's.. rude. He doesn't necessarily mean to be so, but the character lacks many social graces that most have come to know. He is rough, rugged, and (for the most part) means well and often fails at such. He can be a comedic character, depending on one's sense of humor--or he can be incredibly annoying.

He loves two things: women and money. He is not shy about calling out to or hitting on a lady he finds attractive, and he'll take most contract jobs so long as it puts enough coin in his pocket.

He is not my only character, but he is my main. If anyone would be interested in meeting him, feel free to send me a message in game.

Some of you may have seen me in the Ul'dah Adventurer's Guild. It is where I tend to idle and seek individuals since I do not know any other gathering places. If you see me there, feel free to come up and say hi.

Thank you for your time!
Hi, Val! My character is also a sellsword working out of Ul'dah. I'll keep an eye out for you at the Adventurers guild, or you can feel free to add me.  :)
Okay! Thank you =)
I will keep my eyes out for both of you if you do not mind? I am DL today, My character name will most likely be Harley Kang.Cool
I think I've seen you around Ul'dah's guild Tongue I don't stick in Ul'dah long myself though. Though if you see me around feel free to bother me, rarely busy (goes for anyone else really... i tend to be all over).
Feel free to add me as well! Always looking for more Seekers to hang out with! Moogle
I enjoyed RPing with you, Val, and I'd do it again~

So you can count on me. My times aren't set either.
Thanks, Siobhain! I had a great time as well!

And I'll add everyone when I get the chance!
Just wanted to say that I've had an absolutely wonderful time with those of you I've managed to catch in game!
Sorry to those I haven't been able to get around to yet! I will eventually Smile thank you all!
Hey. Hey. RP with me.
(09-23-2013, 07:29 PM)Faye Wrote: [ -> ]Hey. Hey. RP with me.

Sorry I don't RP with your kind. <3