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Those eyes saw me in an unnatural light; as they pierced me, I would always know that my thoughts were for her to see. Even within the dark recesses of our tent, I could see that luminescent yellow. Those haunting hues will always curse my dreams. Even as the light faded from her body and the sounds of the sky falling drowned out all else, streaking light across the thin hide of our shelter, she watched me with desperation until her final breath.

My fingers let heavy lids close, unable to bear the weight of her gaze any longer. In shaking hands, I donned her blade to the pale skin of her chest, giving her cold hands purchase to the hilt of the curved weapon. A warrior of the sands deserves to die with her station, and with a heavy heart, I took to the field once more.


"You're still at it?" The sound of racking coughs breaks the scrawling of paper.

Golden hues look up, reflective in the dim lighting of a sole lantern. So the Black Lung will take him, after all. Relenting a sigh, the dim outline of the male stretches in his chair, only to set his work aside and push himself to stand. Of lean frame and pronounced ears, the Miqo'te takes up his light and lifts it to the worker's face, squinting as he regards the larger Hyur. "I appreciate your empathy, but you should be more concerned about your health than my foolish lamentations."

"I just think a stiff drink will help your worries more, Bhen." The dark expressions gives a smile stained with soot. "And you can't hold up in the Blackwater Mines forever; one of your men sent me."

I prefer to keep myself away from the public, so that they only see the best sides of me. You wouldn't understand; mining is your life. Rubbing calloused hands at his face, A'bhen nods towards his companion and relents to keep thoughts to himself. "Take the day off, Kal. I'm sure your wife misses you." You work yourself to death, fool.

The ascent towards the surface is a long one, long enough to give a man time to don a mask. As the vibrant rays of daylight blind him to the world, the boisterous sounds of arguing greet him. Two men, draped in his colors are exchanging verbal blows, only to grow silent at his approach. Stern eyes greet them, waiting patiently for the calamity to hit.

The first male, a sickly-looking Roegadyn, speaks timidly with an averting gaze. "Bhen, there's a  situation. Ul'dah... our -"

"The whore is causing a scene. I told you this would happen!" The Roegadyn to the other's left was much the same as his brother. Skin slickened with perspiration and filth, but twice as foolish.

Did she break your heart, you sick bastard? A'bhen's dark features contort to a scolding expression as he regards the two with little patience. "She is a paying client, Sygard, not a whore. If you are so desperate, take the good money I pay you and find a brothel."

His face twisting with rage, Sygard begins to bellow at the top of his lungs. "She's trying to stint you, Sir! Those damned spices she's meant to supply? She's demanding four times the amount, and the Immortal Flames may be brought into this madness!" 

"We must have that delivery, you idiot! Give her what she wants, because what she is offering is priceless, given the context!" With knuckles baring down, the Miqo'te brushes past the two brothers, his expression darkly set as he stalks towards the hitching post. "Ride with me, the both of you, but if I hear a word of protest, I will have you on the streets."


As the jewel of the sands looms in the distance, A'bhen's thoughts wander to the struggles of the past seasons. All I have worked for requires that the Blackwater Company be a hub for those who are uncomfortable selling their wares in services in the public light. If one damned spice seller brings my hard work to the Flames, it could set us back three steps before progressing one. Lost in his introspection, even as the brothers tended to the chocobo, the male descends the steps of the Emerald Avenue, intent on settling this debacle without causing a scene.

What greets him is the deafening screech of life threatened; a familiar call that brings his skin to a crawl and his eyes wary. A heavy crowd desperately attempts to disperse from the congested walkways and stalls of the district, their faces alight with worry as they forcefully push past one another. Gritting his teeth, the Miqo'te delves into the hostile masses, pushing his way, even as the nagging presence of danger lingers in the back of his mind. 

The scrape of steel across flesh comes first. Slowing, A'bhen finally realizes that he's alone, and now he faces the grisly sights of death. A robed figure holds his client in a gloved hand, her hair tugged back as the wheezing of air gasps from below. The veiled features of the assailant seem to look directly at the male. No, you can't... A curved blade draws back slowly, bringing the female's struggles to a frantic pace. Her brown eyes roll into the back of her head as she twitches in the stranger's hold. Bowels slide across the cobble walkway, cascading from the gaping hole in her stomach, only to be thrown to the floor like discarded trash. 

"You piece of shit!" Stepping forward without realizing it, A'bhen only stops at the sound of clashing steel behind him. The Immortal Flames are pushing their way through the crowd, desperately trying to reach the source. The robed murderer is long from the scene of carnage by the time he looks back, the dark texture of the fabric turning a corner, followed by the tip of the curved, bloodied blade. He couldn't bring himself to follow the assailant, his mind racing as the guardsmen surge past him, leaving a tragic day of harsh blows to sink into his mind.


OOC: [This is the part where I break your immersion.]

This is an idea I've had in the works for a while. The simple premise of the Blackwater Company is to enact as a hub for underground dealings. Be it illegal, taboo, or otherwise, the general theme for the Free Company will be set around an ongoing story of this niche. 

Currently, I'm looking to find some trustworthy officers who can help me maintain a level of serious roleplay and respectability.

Until things are really off the ground, I will be starting The Blackwater Company as a Linkshell. When interest grows, the RP will establish a Free Company.

Disclaimer: Content may be mature themed. Recruitment will be fairly stringent, to uphold the integrity and quality of the Roleplay.

If your Free Company is involved in less than legal activites, also come into contact with me for a welcomed cross-company experience. The Linkshell may eventually be used as a hub chat for many other companies under the same council [for lack of a better word].


Information about me: 

I'm a veteran Roleplayer, come to this game for a fresh experience. Having led large guilds on various titles, I am confident in my abilities to generate content for those who are interested.

Character: A'bhen Nunh

Feel free to whisper me in-game with questions. I am always open for a nice chat with the community.
once I get my main job geared out will begin forming an antagonistFC I believe your FC and mine will have a lot of interaction so we should definitely stay in contact
(09-19-2013, 02:19 AM)Trigonxv Wrote: [ -> ]once I get my main job geared out will begin forming an antagonistFC I believe your FC and mine will have a lot of interaction so we should definitely stay in contact

I'd love to do so! Just send me a friend request or tell when you're around next.
I'd be interested my name is yavela touchstone in game!
(09-19-2013, 03:39 AM)Luka Wrote: [ -> ]I'd be interested my name is yavela touchstone in game!
 I will try to get in contact with you whenever I can!
I'm very much interested in this! Where do I sign up!

My character's name is Orn Bharroegan. I'll try to add you whenever the game lets me to! Or when you're online!
(09-19-2013, 09:51 PM)Wonloong Wrote: [ -> ]I'm very much interested in this! Where do I sign up!

My character's name is Orn Bharroegan. I'll try to add you whenever the game lets me to! Or when you're online!

I should be around most nights. Just look for me!
Black market eh? Well we should meet, Saefinn and his crew may have some business for you. Smile Could make for some fun cross fc rping.
(09-25-2013, 02:00 AM)Saefinn Wrote: [ -> ]Black market eh? Well we should meet, Saefinn and his crew may have some business for you. Smile Could make for some fun cross fc rping.
Some alliances would be nice. Send me some tells in-game, and maybe we can work something out.
We'll make some kind of introduction in game - WS have a FC meeting tomorrow, so I'll bring it up. I know you ran passed some of our RP earlier lol, but I'm sure something can be arranged. Saefinn is in the process of generating business for the FC, we've got a couple of smuggling lines going in Eorzea, having a black market to sell to and buy from will help.
[This is an IC-writeup of how Ambrosia went about being acquired by the Blackwater Company. Oocly, Ambrosia is its own LS. Feel free to post with comments, suggestions, questions, etc.]

An errant signal;misfortune brought events to this turn, but I cannot deny that the outcome was predictable. These small slips of remorse in my psyche… I should cut them away before they become a liability.

Water drips along a slickened stone surface, periodicallycreating a maddening melody that echoes across the damp recesses of the forlorn cave. The stench of mildew and soot purvey a suffocating atmosphere, one that no mortal being would suffer within their own will. The soft, muffled cries of anguish break the looming silence, brought to a still as the binding of ropes cuts into tender flesh.

“You tried my hand, and I had no intention of taking thingsthis far…” His voice quavers, the guttural undertone broken by ragged breaths. The Miqo’te stands as a strong example of territorial dominance; his face is a blanket of disgust and undeniable exhilaration. “This is your fault!” He quickly turns on the bound figure, golden eyes flashing over the crumpled form of a bound man, shifting wildly over his uncharacteristically diminutive form as the brief sparks of fire from a lone lantern flash across wild, reflective orbs.

A muffled protest is given, and there is little else theHyur could do in his bound state. Arms tied behind his back and a bloodied cloth stuffed into his gaping mouth, the man is nothing, if not pliable. The warmth of light is brought upon his beaten features, drawing the Miqo’te’s livid face closer to his own.

“You’ve seen me, Maestro. A’bhen; I’ve been casing yourestablishment for some time.” Taking a step away from the bloodied Hyur, the male runs calloused fingers through braided locks; the tribal ties break under his nervous grasp, letting dark strands fall across his vision. “I offered you deal after deal for Ambrosia’s rights, and you regard my offers with a dagger in the back… you!”

The bound male winces as a plated boots slams into his stomach,bringing a fit of gagged coughing from him as eyes squeeze shut, trying not to look upon the wild anger of the man before him. Battered and bloody, he knows well that he won’t leave this place alive.

“You have no right to deny me, filth!” The male rounds onhis prey, gripping the stone wall as he rams knees repeatedly into the captive’s jaw, cracking bone and sinew. Taking a step back, A’bhen glares at the battered man, breathing harshly as sweat and blood rolls from his wearing body. “…I can end this for you.” Turning from the crumpled form, he wipes a tired brow with the back of his arm and limps towards a satchel discarded near his flickering lantern.

Through swollen eyes, the Maestro watches his captor with alull of his head, vision blurring as he watches the beast’s movements with a sense of dread sinking through the pit of his shattered chest. Consciousness slips and his mind wanders; Ambrosia, the brothel he had taken by force, was becoming a dangerous asset. Fate has a sick sense of revenge.
His mind focuses through sharp pain as hair is balled into afist and yanked firmly. His bloodied face looks up to the distorted figure of A’bhen, waving a document wildly in his gaze. The world around him seems blurred, and the only relief in sight is his hand being squeezed around the thin quill within broken fingers.

He’s fading fast. TheMiqo’te sneers; his mind racing as he cuts loose the Maestro’s bindings, lifting his limp, shattered wrist to the writ of ownership. You will sign it. This is past business now,filth. Your women are mine. Your livelihood is mine. I will not be denied. Thesignature is helped along. The legality is of little consequence in these dark corridors of the Blackwater Mines. “Sign, Maestro. You denied my wealth, but your comfort is something I can bank upon.”

Ripping the paper back, A’bhen flickers wild eyes over thefinal product. His heart races; pounding maniacally in his chest as the blood of conquest boils in his veins. This isthe hunt I thrive upon. Letting the paper fall at his side, the male turnshis attentions to the defeated man, wheezing out his life’s breaths. The call of the hunt courses throughout his body, bringing ears to pin back against his skull.

Tired eyes flicker up towards the maniac before him. The man’sstride brings despair to his battered heart. Like the visage of a lion finally ready to consume his prey, the exhausted predator crouches before the man. Sweat seems to flicker with light over the dark skin of the captor’s body. The room is becoming a show of brilliant light as eyes become difficult to hold open. A strong grip can barely be felt on his throat as the tribal male leans into him. A fountain of blood rolls down his chest as the man’s chin sinks to his collar. Bloodied hands smother his mouth, the sharp nails painted with the flesh of his neck as the world goes dark.
So glad to see this up finally. I'm thinking I might place this on the Ambrosia LS thread page just so to keep everyone up to date on whats going on. And while no on knows about the how and why ICly, it could at least become a rumor of ownership change or something.
(10-06-2013, 08:51 PM)Isis Wrote: [ -> ]So glad to see this up finally. I'm thinking I might place this on the Ambrosia LS thread page just so to keep everyone up to date on whats going on. And while no on knows about the how and why ICly, it could at least become a rumor of ownership change or something.
 Go ahead! Now, I just need to find some officers.
I *think* K'anika might be a fit for this. She's a fighter, sometimes a prostitute (and no I don't do ERP lol - thats just part of her history), a drinker and sorta addicted to Somnus. She could be hired to shake someone down, or just work as a hired thug. She's not bad, but she's not good... I kinda think of Mel Gibson in Payback (*loved* that movie).
I might have a bouncer/leg breaker in the form of A'tarr if you're interested. He's the quintessential "am I getting paid? Then I don't care" mercenary, and mercy is not his strong point.
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