Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Astinien Sorel
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Basic Info:

Astinien Sorel

RP Styles:

Amount of RP:
Medium to heavy, sometimes I just feel like running around the city and other times I have to let my partner use the PC. But feel free to always /tell me and I'll likely be up for some RP.

Views on RP Combat and Injuries:
I am a firm believer in warning a player of maiming or death OOCly, that way they can have the chance to get out of it if they aren't into that.
That said, I am okay with combat.

Views on IC Romance:
Completely acceptable as long as it comes along naturally between the two.

Views on Non-Romantic RP:
I am more than willing to do this, I feel like my characters flourish with family and friends rather than one time encounters with strangers.

Views on Lore:
I don't believe it needs to be followed to the letter, but when it gets to the point of being ridiculous I tend to just walk away.

Views on Chat Functions (/say, /linkshell, etc)
OOC is (()) and I tend to try and stay IC in public channels. The only exception is when I'm in an OOC Linkshell.

Other Info:

Country: USA
Time Zone: Pacific

Contact info:
Feel free to PM me here, in game, or on Skype (Zindelo)!