Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Trick or Treat~ (Event starting evening of 10-18)
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Trick orTreat
(Numerous Identical letters have been posted throughoutGridania and other settlements in the Black Shroud)
Denizens of the Black Shroud,
In light of All Saint’s wake I have decided to play a game. Trick or Treat to be more precise. But not as most of you will know it. How is it played you might ask? Well, you will learn soon enough, and then it will be for you to decide if you play with me or not. I do so love to play with others though, so I hope to see you all soon. The game begins at midnight and it will be confined to within the Shroud, so far, the only tip, or hint as it were that I will leave you is to never play alone.


(Iwill post an opening one shot RP for this game of tricks and treats later this evening and all those interested in participating in one way or another are welcome to pm me expressing their interest. Should make for a wonderful story for everyone involved and I look forward to hear from you)