Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: [B] A Bazaar -- Interest gathering
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Hey guys, Naih again. (Man I post a lot)

I was wondering as I noticed there are a lot of FC's centered around adventurers. But few fr craftsmen.

Would people be interested in a 'Bazaar' FC and LS. Its going to spiral off my current FC I am in with bi-weekly bazaar open events and simple day to day rp along with some cool GM'd events.

It will be located in 'The Golden Bazaar' just to get some out of city role play going.

if you're interested, leave:

[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Character trade:[/b]

* if this gets big enough we could start a RP ran market. based on trust, honesty and RP awesomeness.
The Gilded Mirage is based largely out of the Golden Bazaar at the moment. We'd love to have a presence at any events there, especially of a merchant type. Love the idea!