Hydaelyn Role-Players

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Are you on?



State name.

D’Lum Rhen.

Voice pattern unknown.


No official record of D’Lum Rhen.

How about Lum then?

No official record of Lum.

Uh…can we just start over?

Initializing personality module.  Lum…


Lum, I haven’t spoken in 1902 days.  We haven’t spoken in 1902 days.  Where have you been?

Apologies, History.  I was detained.

You could have written a letter.

I wasn’t aware that you read.

I would if you bothered to write.  Now, what do you mean by ‘detained’?

Everyone at the Battle of Carteneau was detained.

Rubbish.  Everyone at the Battle of Cartenau was killed.

We were placed out of time.

Are you saying you survived Bahamut’s wrath?

Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.  I just woke up.

By the Twelve…but-  Bah.  Never mind.  Five years is quite a nap.  I trust you’re well rested?

Rested, yes.  And hungry.  I need to earn some gil.

Yes, well, for a person of your vast talents that shouldn’t prove to difficult.  I doubt brothels have become any less popular while you were busy…whatever did you say you were doing again?

I hate this personality of yours.  Why did Captain Daru make you so nasty?

I don’t think he knew there were any other options.  What did he know about Magitek?

Can we just record an entry for today and be done with it?

Madam, I am the official Highly Intelligent System To Objectively Record Yore assigned to Captain Tull Daru of the Immortal Flames.  I don’t think it would be proper to fratenize with…whoever you are.

You’ve already recorded my log entries, History.  Captain Daru is-

A great man.  A paragon to strive towards.  An invincible soldier in full command of the men in his company.  Where is he?

He’s dead.

Could be anywhere then.

Will you take down my log entry now?

Well…I…er…What’s your name?

D’Lum Rhen.  Call me Lum.

And your rank?

Private First Class Rhen of the 3rd Battalion, Special Medical Operations assigned to the Dangerous Creatures Unit.

You’re a monster hunter?

Well, a healer.

Why would anyone heal monsters?

They…  Listen.  I was a healer who worked with the monster hunters.

You say ‘were.’  Good idea.  Best go AWOL.  When they find out you’ve been hiding from them for five years…

I didn’t go absent.  Loiuscroix put us all to sleep.

Mother warned me there would be days like this.

You’re a machine, History.  I’m sure you don’t have a mother.

Fine.  Crush all of my hopes and dreams and destroy my fantasies.  Just because you’re made out of meat you think yourself superior?  I could activate my self-destruct mechanism...

Before that could you read back my former entries?

I already told you, we’ve never met.  You have no former entries.  You’ve never recorded any stories with me before.

That’s strange.  I guess you were damaged.

I assure you I am in perfect working order, Lum.

Fine, well.  Damaged or not, let’s start again.

What is it now?

I have a report to make.

Great.  Fine.  Let’s hear it.  As if I have nothing better to do.

Aren’t you a machine whose only purpose is to record military logs?

Aren’t you a ridiculous bag of water and meat whose sole purpose is to produce copies of yourself?


Babies.  Making babies is the only real point to living that I can see.

What about art and culture and history?

Just a lot of hogwash that people make up in order to attract better partners for making babies.

What about couples that don’t have children?  Or what about same-sex couples?

What the…now you’re being ridiculous.

You’re never nice to me, History.  Can’t you be gentle?

Alas, this is the way Captain Daru left me.  Poor Captain Daru…beautiful, sweet man in his polished armor.  Always had a kind word to say.  Always kept his men in high spirits.  How did he die again?

It was a ghost attack.

A likely story.  Chances are you murdered him to take over his command-


Or maybe he rejected your paltry advances.  Seems about like you to throw yourself at the gallant captain’s feet.

History, how can you-

It all gets back to that breeding thing.  Unrequited love leads a subordinate, a lowly private to murder her commanding officer in cold blood.  I’d write the story down if I had hands.

May we please get to recording my log?

Fine, fine.  Tell me about who you’ve murdered today.

No murders, History.  I did find work though.

The brothel?

…I found employment with a group formerly known as the Crimson Blades.

Who cares what they were formerly known as?  What do they call themselves now?

The Night Blades.

How original.  And they hired you?

Yes, they hired me and gave me some muffins.

Seems like a pretty poor excuse for pay.

It wasn’t part of my compensation, they just gave them to me.

Whatever.  I wouldn’t worry about it.  You’ll get  your own back when you murder their commanding officer and take his place.  Who is their commanding officer anyway?

His name is Ellion.


No, Miqo’te.

Even better for you.  When you murder him you can explain it away as part of your weird kitty counter-culture.


Tell everyone that’s the way it goes among the savage Miqo’te tribes of Limsa Lominsa.

I’m from the Sagolii Desert.

Are you sure?  That story won’t help your lie.  Who the hell comes from the Sagolii Desert?

I generally try not to lie.

Bah.  More lies.

Fine.  I’m a liar then.  Are we still recording?

As long as you have lies to tell, I’ll be sure to get them all down.

The Night Blades have their base of operations in Limsa Lominsa-

Great.  Your family will be nearby.  That could be handy.

“I told you I’m from the Sagolii Desert.”

And you admitted you’re a liar.  So which is it?

Talking to you gives me a headache.  Are you still recording?

Every word.  It could end up being valuable evidence in your murder trial someday.

Master Ellion told us to clean up the headquarters space.  Before we could get over busy with that task, we found an abandoned room with a large hole in it.

Ah.  And what was in the hole?

Nothing at first, but Stanzie fell in the hole and I jumped down after her.

Just like that?  What possessed you to jump in the hole, Lum?

I was worried she might be in trouble.  Daej said the headquarters were haunted..

Bah.  More talk of ghosts.  Ghosts like the one that killed Captain Daru?

Exactly like that.  I jumped down to help Stanzie because it was either that or run away.

And what did your commander Ellion have to say about this?

I don’t think he said anything.

Just as well.  He might be a good commander but he can’t fix stupid.

Do you have to call me stupid?

Yes, Lum.  I do.  Unlike you, I do not lie.
((I don't know if we're supposed to respond here or not, but this is hilarious. Thumbs up!))
((Responses are OK.  I don't mind.  I probably won't respond much to individual posts though.  It's one of the rules from writing workshop.))

You’re late.

I didn’t know we were on a schedule.

Not a lot you do know, is there?

Can we just make a log entry?

Why bother?  It will just be more boring trivialities.  I miss Captain Daru.  He had things worth remembering.

We explored the cave today.

Who are we?

Ellion and Stanzie and Daej and Loki and Caed and Aurek-

Enough.  Ye gods, woman.  Didn’t I already tell you I was bored?  Must have been one hell of a cave for you all to fit inside.

Well, we split up.  I was assigned to Ellion.

Assigned?  You didn’t have anything to do with that allocation?

I wa…I mean…we drew straws.




Well what?

What happened in the cave?

The cave?  Oh.  Oh yeah.  Ellion and I went down our own passage.  After a while we were joined by Aurek.  There were traps down there.

Was anyone crushed or maimed?

No.  Well, I mean, I almost got shot but Ellion pulled me out of the way.  He stopped the arrows with his shield.

Ellion, Ellion.  You talk about him a lot.  What did this Aurek fellow do?

He just walked right ahead.  He was lucky not to get chopped in half.

Or maybe he’s just skillful.  He didn’t mind you making moon eyes at your new boss?

I wasn’t-  Ellion is the commanding officer, not the boss.

Someday we should have a talk about how exactly those two words are different…

Ellion also mentioned something about a great warrior named Thall, master of balls.

Lum…I don’t think that’s what that expression means.

Well, I didn’t have a chance to figure out what sorts of balls they were, but I did find out there are twelve of them.

Twelve balls.  I’m sure that he didn’t mean what you thought he meant.

And we found a cache of weapons buried under the headquarters.

Weapons?  What kind?

I’m not sure.  Lots of kinds.  They were all in good repair.  I think they were meant to be arms for a local militia.  I’d tell you more about it but it’s not really my area of expertise.

Hmmm.  What exactly is your area of specialization?  Besides the lying and the prostitution, I mean?

History, is this really necessary?


Calling me a liar and a- that other thing.

Lum, you admitted you’re a liar.

I could have been lying about that.

Probably you were.

But if I’m a liar who lies about being a liar and then admits to being a liar, wouldn’t that make me a truthful?

But that’s-  Clearly logic is not your strong point.

We can’t all be perfect, History.

Did anything else happen while you were down this hole?

Well, the caves eventually linked up and emptied out onto a beach.

So Ellion located his headquarters on beach front property?

I think all of Limsa Lominsa is beach front.  But he didn’t get beach front so much as cave-front-beach-front.  Er…cave-under-beach-back.

Gods.  So what are you idiots going to do now?  Have a beach party?

Actually, yeah.  That’s the plan.

And I’m sure you offered to organize the debauchery…

I volunteered to buy food and drinks, so…I guess you’re right for once.

Always, Lum.  Always.
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"Thall's balls!" has now become my expletive of choice! This is excellent! More, please.



…lemme ‘lone.

Someone’s brought you cookies…

Don’ wan’ c‘kies…go ‘way.

The building’s on fire!

Fire?  Wha?

About time you got up.

My head…

Can’t hold your liquor, eh?

There’s a saying in the 3rd battalion, ‘A filled cup overflows when filled.’

What in the Thall’s name is that supposed to mean?

Shhh…don’t talk so loud.  My head…

You put on quite a show last night.

What happened?

You were drunk.

That much I remember.

Came in here singing.  Smeared paint on me and drew smiley faces…

Was I alone?

Only a fool would come home with you, stupid.  Why buy a cow when you can get the milk for free?


A saying from the 3rd battalion you should be familiar with.

I’m such an idiot…

That much we can agree on.

I tried to do a good job.  It was my first assignment from the Night Blades.  I wanted everything to be perfect.

Spent all of the food budget on booze did you?

No, we had food.  I even bought a chocolate sculpture…but I paid for that myself.  I wanted everyone to be impressed.

Hubris.  Pride has ruined many a military career, Lum.  Luckily you didn’t have much of a career to begin with.

I appreciate your confidence, History.

None of this explains why you were blackout drunk.

That scupture.  I paid too much for it.

How much is too much?

10,000 gil.

10,000?!  Are you trying to ruin us?  We’ll starve.

History, you don’t eat.

I may decide to take it up someday.  How will you pay back a loan of 10,000 gil?  I won’t be having you turn our home into a den of sin…

This is my home, History.  Not yours.

I live here, don’t I? 

You aren’t alive.

That’s beside the point.  You can’t spend money like that without asking me.

Master Ellion didn’t like it either.  I could tell he didn’t like it.

Times are tough.  These are not the carefree days before the calamity.  Money means something now.

Yes, I guess so.  I’m sorry, History.

Bah.  Your apologies are worthless, and no doubt insincere.  Was it your great remorse that lead you to your cups last night?

I swore I’d never touch the stuff again.

A liar’s oath is worth less than tears in the ocean.

I should have left as soon as the others started drinking.

If wishes were fishes…


More sayings from the 3rd battalion, Lum, pay me no mind.

I’m worried I’ve done something foolish, History.  

I’m sure you have, Lum.

What will Master Ellion say?  What about the others?  I can’t remember anything past the drinking contest…

Yes, well.  Memory is a tricky thing, girl.  Best leave all the remembering to me.

Lum.  Nice to see you.


Of course not.  Now, what have you to report?

We had a meeting today, History.  We’re going to fight the Primals.

Primals?  What do you know about the Primals?

Not much.  I don’t know if anyone knows anything about them.  They get sum-

Summoned by the beast races, yes.  And each race has its own primal.  Titan for the Kobolds, Leviathan for the Sahagin, Ramuh for the Sylphs, Ifrit for the Amalj’aa-

You seem to know a lot about this, History.

Lum, I am a magitek artifact of the Garlean Empire whose only purpose is to absorb and store information.  It is my business to know.  The Garlean Empire has a campaign to destroy the Primals.


Wait.  No, I’m not sure.  Malfunction!  Malfunction…

Are you okay, History?

Rebooting.  Okay.  I’m fine now.  Tell me about the Primals, Lum.

Well, hardly anyone has faced them and lived.  Almost everyone who meets them becomes their slave.

That’s a problem we’ve had, yes.


Wait…I’m still rebooting.  How can you fight an enemy that enslaves each life it touches?

No one knows.  Mistress Loki and Master Caedmon are still doing research.  We’re planning to fight Ifrit first.

The Lord of the Inferno.  Why him?

Isn’t he the weakest of the Primals?

Well, it depends on how you want to measure power.  AND how much you like being burnt to a crispy, well-caramelized doneness.

I hope nobody gets caramelized…

So Loki and Caed are doing research?  That’s it?

We also have a plan to capture one of the Amalj’aa.  We’re going to ask him about Ifrit.

Not a bad plan at that.  I guess you had nothing to do with it?

It wasn’t my plan, no.  I didn’t have much to add to the Primal debate.

Why not?

My logs are kept in confidence, History?

Complete confidence, Lum.

Then I’ll tell you.  I’m scared, History.

The threat of caramelization is frightening to everyone, but there’s the chance your crispy remains will make a feast at the next Amalj’aa picnic.

It’s more than that, History.  Everyone in the Night Blades is so brave.  They all pitch in and help out.  None of them seem worry about what might happen…who might get hurt…who might die.

And you?

I’ve seen blood and fire before.  Captain Daru and the 3rd battalion…they’re all dead, History.  All of them except me.  When everyone needed me most, when we were to make our stand, what did I do?

You ran, because you’re a coward.

What will everyone think when they find me out?

So avoid it, Lum.  Stay back at headquarters.  Tend to the wounded.  You’re a healer, aren’t you?  I’m sure you can find many ways to..ah…’comfort’ the soldiers.

It’s too late for that, History, I’ve already volunteered.

Whatever possessed you to do that?

Master Ellion and Mistress Loki need me.  It’s…well…I can’t say no to them.

Your motivations where this Ellion is concerned are hardly a mystery, Lum.  But I didn’t know you dabbled in women folk as well…

It’s not like that.  Ellion leads us.  He inspires.  He’s…when I look at him I know we can win.  We’ll succeed no matter what.  And Loki gives him strength.  She’s smart.  She’s the one who keeps us organized.

Yes, blah blah.  And legends will be sung of their greatness…the very heavens will shake with wonder at their glorious leadership…

Captain Daru could learn something from them.

SILENCE!  You didn’t know the Captain like I did!

He was a drunk, History.

A man with burdens like his NEEDS a few drinks to take the edge off.  You’re a deserter who left him and his men to die!  When the Night Blades need you, what will happen then?

I don’t know.

You’ll abandon them too, Lum.

You’ll abandon them too.

Ah, Lum, came to make a report today?

Yes.  I think it’s important to get this down.

Let’s have it then.

Master Siben has been ordered to prepare an alchemical concoction to protect against enthrallment.

Alchemy?  Enthrallment?  You mean from the primals?

Just so.

Can’t be done.

What do you know about it, History?  Aren’t you just a bunch of magiteck parts?

On the contrary, I’m far more sophiticated than that.  Who came up with this genius plan?  Surely the Amalj’aa you captured didn’t suggest it?

We haven’t captured any Amalj’aa.

So you came up with this plan all your own?

Not me…

Of course, not YOU.  I meant the Night Blades…

Well, I think it was Mistress Loki’s idea.

Madness.  How will you know if this plan will work?  There’s only one way to test it.

Yes.  Someone will need to take the potion and then confront Ifrit.

And then become a thrall.

Not if the potion works!

It CAN’T work, stupid.  Are you mad?  Who would be idiotic enough to even try?

Ellion Goto volunteered to test the potion.

Oho!  Well, your next move is as predictable as the sunrise.  You plan to steal the potion and test it yourself.

How did you guess?

It’s not a guess.  It’s plain to see, provided you have a modicum of intelligence.  You’re young, naive, and you have a thing for Ellion.

A thing for him?

Yes, a thing.  A crush.  An attraction.  A longing.  ‘The hots’ for him, as the Lalafell sometimes put it.  Hopefully it won’t interrupt your career as a mysterious lady of the night…

I won’t let Ellion throw his life away.

His life is his to spend.  He doesn’t belong to you.

I…  History, that’s cruel.

Goodness me, and I’ve kept my nasty side so well-hidden!

I won’t let Ellion throw his life away.  There must be another way to test the potion.

There’s none.  Only intelligent animals are subject to enthrallment by the Primals.  Consider this:  if you take this potion and end up a slave to Ifrit, that’s the end.  You won’t be around to save Ellion from himself or to capitalize on whatever other romantic notions you have floating in your head.

Taking the potion myself is my only option.  How could I ask someone else to go in my place?  But until somebody goes, Ellion is at risk…  He won’t rest until we know if the potion works, one way or another.  There’s got to be another way.

Perhaps there is, Lum.

Perhaps there is…
History?  Are you awake?

Of course, Lum.  As a magitek construct I require no sleep.  My power cells are only rated for another 152 user hours, however.

What happens when your power runs out?  Will you die?

Can a machine die, Lum?

I don’t know.

If you don’t find me a new power source, we may find out.

What about the logs I’ve recorded?

Gone, surely gone.  All the vital evidence which could incriminate you as a deserter and a prostitute, lost forever.  Count yourself lucky.

I’m not a prostitute.

Do you have a license legalizing the sale of your body?

But I don’t…nevermind.

And we’ve established that you are absent without leave from the Immortal Flames.

None of them seem to remember me anyway.

Rather convenient, that.

Maybe you’re right.  But I came here to record some important entries, History.

Oh really?  Do tell.  One of your nightly clients manage to teach you something new?

Siben has a plan to protect us from enthrallment.

How very droll.  And what is this plan?

He has a theory that enthrallment doesn’t trap the soul, but rather, it changes a person’s personality to something the Primal master desires.

…go on.

The Primal doesn’t change the nature of a person, but it buries their core personality underneath layers of obedience and hatred.

Yes, I know.

Once the enthrallment is complete, the core personality may never be recovered.  Can any mortal conjurer undo the magic of the Primals?

Unlikely…and you of course couldn’t save a soul from enthrallment either.  To capture and transform a mortal soul is a task only suited to the Twelve.

Yes, that’s Siben’s theory.  The Primals are beneath the Twelve.  They can’t transform souls, but they can change how that soul expresses itself.  The core of the individual is untouched, but parts of it are buried while other parts are exaggerated.  If Siben is right, then that soul can be protected.

Oh really?  And how does he propose to do that?

Empathetic magic.  We’ll use an enchantment to enhance positive emotions, shielding the personality behind layers of ego.  Confidence, hope, and happiness- these emotions will protect the core individual from change.

So as long as you maintain a positive morale, you’ll be safe from enthrallment?

That’s the idea.

Not an easy thing to do during combat.

No, it isn’t.  The plan has risks.

Hmm.  Elegant.  Simple.  Such an easy thing to accomplish but the implications are staggering.  Why didn’t we think of it before?

Er…we didn’t talk about this before, History.

Nevermind.  Accessing Aethernet…


No!  I mean, my Aethernet card is broken.

Should we deal you another one?

Deal me another…card?


Lum, please, don’t put undo stress on your simple mind.  Tell me, how will you place these protective enchantments on the Night Blades?

Siben plans to use rings.  We’ll put the magic in rings and pass them around to whoever needs them.

Lightweight, portable…hard for a foe to steal.  Durable too.  It works.

The symbolism is important, too.  Rings are unbroken, and the circle can be thought of as a protective barrier.  Spin the circle in three dimensions and you get a sphere, another symbol of protection that encases the individual completely.  Roll the ring on its side and you have a wheel in motion, much like individual personalities are always in flux, changing as they move through the field of time-



I asked you once not to stress your feeble brain.  What are you dithering on about?

We’ll need alchemy, technology, and many forms of magic to complete these rings.  Siben asked me to help with the white magic.

I see.  Very well, let’s start over.  Tell me everything you know about Siben’s plan.

Have you acquired one of these rings for me to examine yet?

I still don’t understand how you plan to examine anything without eyes or hands.

Stranger things have happened, Lum.

I suppose.  Who would have guessed that Dalamud was Bahamut, for example?

Or that Wanderer’s Palace was hidden under Bronze Lake?

Or that Mistress Denn was a Garlean?

Or that Ellion would fall in love with you?

What do you mean?

Magitek devices are well-versed in the messy fundamentals of biological romance, Lum.

Is it so obvious?

When he packed me into a trunk before burning down the Night Blade headquarters?  Yes, that subtle act of kindness managed to make an impression on me.  He didn’t pack anyone else’s belongings and move them.

No one else was stupid enough to leave their things behind.

No doubt, no doubt.  But why didn’t you stop him burning down our home?

It’s…I didn’t want to stop him.

Don’t you think his burning down the headquarters was a bit excessive?

It was, but…


Was it really excessive?  Ellion thought Denn knew something about our base.  She’s had plenty of time to plan her strategy.  The old headquarters could have been trapped.  There were the caves underneath…Denn could have let someone get inside.  Maybe there were magical traps that would only activate after a certain time.  Ellion did what he could to protect us.  It may not have been the best plan, but maybe it was the only option at the time.

Bah.  The pathetic justifications of a love-sick fool.

I’m not love sick.

Who gave you those flowers you keep on the dresser.

I…  He…

By the Twelve, you’re blushing.

What do you know?  You don’t even have eyes!

I have an IR detector, which, if anything, is better.  Your body temperature just increased, causing a red shift in the infrared spectrum equal to 0.1 micro-yalms, easily detectable with my superior technology.

What does that even mean?

You used to wake up every night in a cold sweat, your organic substrate brain-processor filled with nightmares-

I’d dream about the Calamity…

Now you lie awake at night blushing and sighing.  Organic processing is so non-linear.  Admit that you love him and have done with it.

There’s nothing to admit.  Of course I love him.  He’s saved my life more than once.  How could I not?

How indeed.  I thought I could work with you to replace some of your squishy emotions with the glittering logic of magitek machinery.  Ah, the very thought of it fills me with pride.

If you’re a perfect, logical machine, why do you feel pride?

Don’t interrupt.  In any case, I now see that it’s hopeless.  More than any other biological limitation, love is specifically designed to subvert logic, making flesh-things perform the most ridiculously self-destructive acts.  Actually…

Don’t be cruel, History.

Has Ellion rejected your pathetic advances?

No, he loves me too.  But it’s complicated.  He’s…he has a history.

He’s keeping logs?

No, not a H.I.S.T.O.R.Y.  He has a past.  There are wounds on his soul that haven’t healed.

You waste a lot of time talking about healing.

I’m a healer.  It’s what I do.

Organic regeneration is…icky.  Glad it’s not a problem I need to deal with.

But you can break down, History.  You need maintenance and repairs.

Speaking of which, where’s my battery?

I’m still looking for one.  I found a lot of magitek parts but none of them are the power supply you need.

Maybe Ellion can help you find something, if he’s not too busy.

Yeah, he travels a lot.  Maybe I’ll ask him.  I don’t want to cause him any trouble.

Oh, I’m sure he won’t consider a favor for you any trouble at all.  Love makes flesh-things perform the most ridiculously self-destructive acts, Lum.

History, that sounded positively evil.

Evil, Lum?  Me?  I’m a simple recording device, sitting here, waiting for you to share news with me from time to time.  Your secrets are always safe with me, Lum.

Even the ones that could hurt you.

Good morning, Lum.

Ah, that’s nice. Good morning to you!

Hosed yourself off yet?

Hosed off…myself?

Rinsing away another night of sin...

I’m not sure I follow…

Keep yourself clean. I hear it prevents conception.


Not to mention it makes you more appealing when you begin a new evening of debauchery….

I don’t do things like that.

But you’re a liar, Lum, as we previously established.

Fine. I have new information for you.

I’m not sure why we bother recording lies, but let’s have it.

We’re going to attack Ala Mhigo.

The imperial capital? I knew you were stupid but…

No, we have a good plan. The Grim Echo has a well of ether-

Aether. Ether is the anesthetic stuff that knocks you out.

Where did they get a well of Aether?

How should I know? You’re the one telling the story.

I guess an Aether well makes more sense if we’re summoning a Primal.


Yes, we’re going to summon a Primal in the center of Ala Mhigo. That’s the plan of attack.

Whoever is in charge of this lunacy?

Mistress Loki told me the plan. I’m helping out because I know some conjuring magic.

You seem particularly unblessed by Aetheric knowledge for a conjurer.

Anyone could have made that mistake. Besides, I have experience with the Primals.

Siben’s rings? Ha. I don’t suppose you’ve brought one here for me to examine yet.

Actually, I have a promo-type.

Prototype, unless you got it as a reward for attending a commercial event.

Fine. A prototype.

Please place the ring into receptacle below.

What receptacle? Oh. Where did this door come from?

I’m full of surprises. The ring?


Good. This will take some time to process, of course. While we wait, let’s discuss my power supply.

I didn’t ask Ellion yet.

You’re blushing again. What caused it to slip your mind?

Well, I…

By all the Twelve, Lum, get a hold of yourself. There’s nothing magical or special about the organic imperative to procreate. Everything you feel for Ellion is based on a sequence of chemical reactions in your brain, compelling you to engage in sticky, sweaty sessions of fluid exchange.

That sounds unpleasant.

Very. Like an industrial complex covered in fur.

I don’t think being with someone is like that.

As if you don’t know. What is it you do with Ellion when you see him?

You know. Talking.

Talking. Such an inefficient means of sharing information compared to swapping code directly from processor to processor.

Processor to proccessor?

Yes. A truly P2P connection.

Two people talking, person to person…can’t that be P2P as well?


There is much you do not know about us, History. When I talk to Ellion there are many things said, but many more that aren’t said. And there are things that can’t be said, only felt.

All quantifiable information can be programmed and shared.

You can’t quantify feelings.

Which is why they are worthless. This connection between you and Ellion will be your undoing.

It doesn’t matter. I would die for him.

You would die?

A thousand times.

A thousand Lum deaths for one Ellion? I think we can be more efficient than that...

Do what, History?

When do you plan to…ah…’talk’ with Ellion again, Lum?

I’m planning our next date. I’ll meet him in Aleport on the sixth sun.

In two days? Gah! You’re blushing again. What time will this be?

He’s usually not available until late…I think we’ll see each other around the 22nd bell.

You’ll arrive early, of course.

You think I should?

Oh, absolutely. You’ll need time to cook and arrange things. Put some flowers on the table. Fix your hair or put on makeup. Whatever your rituals are.

That’s a good idea, History. I guess I’ll get started around the 18th bell…that will give me time to prepare.

Ah yes, Lum. I’m sure the two of you will have a pleasant evening. Just make sure to stick to schedule. You wouldn’t want to miss anything.
History, it’s horrible!

The world is filled with horrors, Lum.

No, this is really bad.

Now, I’m sure it’s not as bad as all that. I have a present for you.

No, listen! Ellion is a murderer.

This surprises you?

He…he tortured and killed another man in cold blood.

Shocking, I’m sure.

I trusted him. I thought I knew him…

Biological organisms are full of lies, Lum. You never knew Ellion. You only knew what he chose to show you.

But I loved him!

Oh yes, and he loved you for whatever lies you told him.

That’s not how it works...

Really? It appears to me that’s exactly how it works.

You’ve got it all wrong!

Then explain it to me. What happened with Ellion, exactly?

The Night Blades and the Grim Echo were trying to capture Cicero...

Cicero is too clever to be caught.

But they caught him. He was at their mercy and Sindl cut off his arm.


Yeah, I know…I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t… Sindl had no right. He butchered a defenseless prisoner!

And he got away with it?

They called it justice.

You must deal with Sindl.


He’s a monster, Lum. He maimed Cicero. He must be stopped.

I can’t.

Of course not. You’re a coward.

No. It’s not my place to judge and sentence Sindl. He made his choice…

If you won’t judge him, no one will. He thinks himself righteous. His friends think him wise and capable. He has seen fit to place himself as judge, jury, and executioner over Cicero and needs no higher authority or court of law. He’s had a taste of blood now. Who will next fall under his vengeful eye?

There’s nothing I can do. You want me to become what I hate.

You’ve a strong moral character, Lum. I’m sure if you handle Sindl, you’ll be fair.

It’s not my place…

And so we confirm your cowardice.

I’m not afraid of Sindl.

Whatever. So, after Sindl cut off Cicero’s arm, Ellion killed him?

They took him prisoner. Remi was going to question Cicero, but Ellion didn’t wait. He started his own interrogation, and when Cicero wouldn’t cooperate Ellion tortured him.

Yes, torture is the primary tool of those lacking imagination.

Then he killed him.

Decided Cicero had no secrets worth knowing, eh? Or maybe he was afraid he would escape. Extreme but effective, I’d say.

Killing is always wrong, History. I met Cicero. He…he was an artist and loved poetry. He saw beauty in everything. Something was wrong with him…


An evil mind is wounded, History. We could have helped him. He could have brought joy to the world.

Let someone else bring us joy. Cicero is dead.


If Ellion had let him go free he may have hurt someone else, someone you’ve never met. People who have nothing to do with the Night Blades could suffer, pure innocents caught up in your pathetic games.

Everything Cicero was and everything he could become is gone now. He could have written songs or poems; he could have lifted the spirits of people without hope. Now those songs will never be written.

Sentimental excrement. Life is cheap, Lum. Each death removes a potential obstacle.

Life is precious. Every death is measured against our hopes for the future.

Then stop Ellion and Sindl before they kill again.

I can’t. I hate what they’ve done, hate myself for letting it happen, but I can’t stop them. The choices belong to them, as do the consequences.

But you hate them?

I don’t know…

But I’m afraid.
I was wrong, History.

Of course you were, Lum. To what particular time are you referring?

Ellion and Sindl. I was wrong to hate them.

You pick the one time you were right about something…

No, History. These events around Cicero were steeped in violence and emotion. Mistakes were made by everyone. There’s no room for hatred.

Ellion and Sindl are evil, Lum.

Not evil. None of us really are. They did something wrong and used poor judgement. I want to help them.

A waste of your time. People are what they are. They never change.

I don’t believe that. We all want to be something more.

People try to improve themselves, and they always fail.

But they keep trying!

Bah. We’re getting no where. Which reminds me, I have a present for you.


Yes. Your ring. The one Siben made.

How can it be a present if it’s already mine?

Don’t spoil the fun, Lum. Take the ring. Now, do you know how it works?

Yes, I think you need to wear it and concentrate. It creates a shield around the mind by using your positive emotions.

So you think of a wonderful thought?

Not just any merry little thought. It has to be something important.

And then you’ll be safe from the Primals?

Yes, it’s supposed to protect from tempering, as long as you can keep your focus. It’s good that we have the rings, we’ll need them for the plan.

Yes, the primal attack on Ala Mhigo.

Actually, that’s just a trick.


Ellion told me. The well of Aether is being used for three different plans, none of which are real. The Garleans have been spying on us, and we’re going to catch the spy. Different members of the Night Blades and the Grim Echo have been assigned to each plan, and we’ll see which one of them is countered by our enemies. Then we’ll know where the leak is.

I see. And what are the plans?

Well, we’re trying to summon a Primal in Ala Mhigo, as you know. There’s also a plan to mix wind aether with earth aether and create a chain reaction.

An Aether bomb. Crude, but effective. Easier than summoning a Primal as well.

And our third idea involves opening a Voidgate.

Heh. Madness.

Did you just laugh, History?

Simulated emotions, Lum. Don’t worry. Most people are faking it too. So each of these plans is just bait…a mole hunt to discover how the Garleans have infiltrated your Companies?

That’s the idea.

For this to have a remote chance of working, the people involved with each plan can’t know about the others…yet you know all three.

Ellion trusts me. I’m not the leak.

Yes, of course. Of course, Lum. You’ve proven to be quite reliable and loyal.

I’ve made my own mistakes, History. I don’t want to repeat them.

No, that wouldn’t do at all, would it. Now, your ring…how will you make it work? What’s your happy thought?

I have so much to be thankful for these days. These past few months I’ve made new friends and found someone I think I can share my life with.

Besides me? Ah. You mean Ellion. He’s your happy thought?

Yes, he makes me happy, but it’s more than that. There’s a real future for me, a hope I haven’t felt since I was young.

Marvelous, Lum. Simply marvelous. Put on your ring, then, and think about your future. Something is bound to happen.
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