01-17-2014, 07:30 PM
Salutations, Adventurers!
We are now but mere suns from the moon of Menphina, the first umbral moon. And of course with Menphina, comes love and all the joys it brings. In particular, the first umbral moon brings us Valentione’s day!
We of the Traveling Templar free company would like to extend our warmest invitation to all lonely hearts and romantic types to attend our Date Roulette and Masked Ball evening. So bring your mask and dress up in the colours of romance, because love just might be in the air...
When: Saturday the 15th of February, 7:00pm EST (12AM server time/GMT)
Where: The Bobbing Cork tavern, Fallgourd Float, the North Shroud.
We are now but mere suns from the moon of Menphina, the first umbral moon. And of course with Menphina, comes love and all the joys it brings. In particular, the first umbral moon brings us Valentione’s day!
We of the Traveling Templar free company would like to extend our warmest invitation to all lonely hearts and romantic types to attend our Date Roulette and Masked Ball evening. So bring your mask and dress up in the colours of romance, because love just might be in the air...
When: Saturday the 15th of February, 7:00pm EST (12AM server time/GMT)
Where: The Bobbing Cork tavern, Fallgourd Float, the North Shroud.
- If you wish to participate in the roulette, contact either Nadeau Celeste or Brynhilde Wulf in-game, or PM Bryn on the RPC forums. You will need to give us the following details (You will not be participating in the roulette if you do not give us these details beforehand.):
Your character’s name:
Their sex:
A Hobby:
What they are seeking: (Male) (Female) (either)
Saturday or Sunday event?: (Sat/Sun)
Notes: (If your character won’t date a certain race/type of person, etc.)
- When you give us these details, you will be given a number. Please write this down and keep it safe!
- You will be partied up with your date for the evening. Conversation with your partner will be conducted in party chat. This is to prevent the undesirable situation of massive chat-log flood.
- Don’t forget to wear your mask! At the end of the dating roulette event, you will be invited by your hosts to remove your mask before your date, should you wish to.
- The theme colours are red, white and black. You may wear anything, but please come in these colours!
- You are welcome to come along to the ball, even if you don't wish to participate in the date roulette!
- We will be pairing both opposite-sex and same-sex couples, depending on characters’ preferences.