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Full Version: Ff Xii -New Beginning (Gay RP)
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Looking to start a new RP involving the son of Fran and the son of Bathier. PM if you are interested. Ingame RP. We will be teammates working together.

My char is the son of Fran. He knows that Fran his mother was the master weapentry and hand to hand combat. Knowing he will never lived up to the high standard set by his mother and the other Vieira he was deeply bothered and looked down upon. Being half Miqo'te did not help. He was gentle and loving unlike the other male Viera. He was made fun of everyday. "No one will ever understand me" His mother knew her son was nothing like the other Vieras but with a heavy heart she could never get her son to understand how special he truly was.

Cos Mo was his name and he was a beginning wizard by the book he found. He was looking for a teleport spell and read more then what he needed to know.. he found healing spells and many other spells. He finally found his place. He ran to the 
group of unfriendly young Vieira boys that tormented him everyday saying. "Guys I can join you in battle I know magic!" At that moment after said things got quiet. His expression slowly changed to despair... His bully snatched his book and slashed it in half with his sword and threw the book at CosMo. Walking off laughing to just leave him all alone. *cosmo drops to the floor while a open and damaged book sits before his watery eyes.* "Why do everyone hate me?! Why can't anyone understand me....? WHY CAN'T I BE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!" his tears drops onto a very powerful page of the book. The book starts glowing *Cosmo wipes tears from eyes, frightened. * it stops but then a pure white feather slowly drops on his head. His mother Fran seen him in the distance she seen the light surrounding her son and the falling feather. She runs quickly to her son to only see him vanish.. She falls to her knees. "Could my son been that unhappy... she says to herself ... that was a teleport spell.. only tears from a child that refuses to live anymore can activate that spell..." she then goes to find Bathier...

Cosmo wakes up in a new world.. lost and alone a feeling he was used to he goes to ask questions to find out he's in a world called Eorzea ina town called Limsa...
A spirit creature we call Carbuncle made from the magic of Cosmo's Tears is a guide to actually help Cosmo find his true self and where he belongs. The Journey begins..

Bathiers son story Up to you!
Mod note: Moved to RP Discussion, which is (currently) where requests for in-game RP go. Smile
I...I honestly did not think it possible to butcher this much lore in one post.

Edit: Every flaw I found.

1. There are no Miqo'te in Ivalice.
2. Fran and Balthier are not Miqo'te, so it is impossible for their child to be Half-Miqo'te.
3. Cos Mo defies Miqo'te naming conventions, but I find that argument to be irrelevant because of points 1 and 2.
4. Teleport in a Healing Tome.
5. Carbuncle is summoned through the use of an Emerald or Topaz mixed with a spell drawing upon the Sacred Geometry of Arcanum. Not through magical tears.
6. Is it an Emerald or Topaz Carbuncle? You do not specify.
7. Is his name Cos Mo, CosMo, or Cosmo? Pick one.
8. You forgot to elaborate on the "gay" aspect of this character.
9. Teleporting to Eorzea will not help you in any way, shape, or form in your quest to be, and I quote, "LIKE EVERYONE ELSE." In fact, it'll make things even worse.
10. The spell "Teleport" does not involve the use of a magic feather. That only happens when you use a tuft of Phoenix Down.
11. The grammar. 
12. The spelling. 
13. The sudden use of narrative-defying emotes. 
14. Do male Viera even exist?!
15. If you had any knowledge of how Tome based magic works, you would know destroying a Tome basically prevents you from using its magic. Therefore, it would be impossible for your character to activate a Teleport spell from the Tome, let alone with magical tears.
16. Limsa is a city. Not a town.
17. The world is called Hydaelyn. The landmass you are on is called Eorzea.

I hope this post helps you improve your story in some way.
To expand a little on Edgar's post.

On lore; most RPers in XIV prefer to operate within the realms of the lore of the game. At first when I read this I thought you were seeking a XII-related fanfiction style RP to be held in Skype or some other medium. Then the Miqo'te thing came into play and.. yea.

Lore is given to us to immerse us in the world we are playing in. It sets boundaries on our stories - for good reasons. If we did not have lore, we would be free to write what ever we wanted - but then what would be the point? I could just go write a novel. Make up my own world. Or maybe write some fanfiction, if I prefer the lore of another world but want to put my own spin on things.

But a fun, and huge aspect of RP is not having complete control over things. The devs have that control, because it's their world, and we are playing in it. Figuring out how to make your character unique and flexing your creativity while working within the confines of the lore is challenging, but rewarding to most RPers.

Edgar's post lists the obvious things you have proposed that go against XIV's lore. While there are rumors about that Eorzea is within Ivalice, albeit at a vastly different time period, our world is Hydaelyn.

I do hope the comments will help you direct your creativity towards a great character in Eorzea.
Is this Cosmo's theme song?

Start simple, being an Average Joe fresh off the boat/cart that gets mixed up with a few amusing strangers will make for a far more more enjoyable RP experience with plenty of room for developing your character as time goes on.

Claiming to be an interdimensional demi-rabbit that was bullied off his homeworld and cries squirrels will only get you laughed at and carted off to the nearest nuthouse.
Ouch. Tough crowd. Guess I'm playing devil's advocate.

To be honest, almost everyone has had, at one point or another, a horrific hodpodge of an idea, character, story, roleplay, whatever. Hell, I was playing FFTA when the last of Stephen King's Dark Tower books were coming out. I ended up writing a 200 page document outlining 4000 years worth of characters and history, complete with creation myth, about the gunslunger descendants of Lini the Moogle on their noble quest to free Sequence from the Tower.

It was dumb, but looking back, it was about as fun then as it is cringeworthy now. I was all of fourteen or so years old, amd I loved what I had made. Still do.

The trouble with RPing in an MMO environment is that it's like the playground: the rules are there to keep as many ppl happy as possible, and in cases like these, the easiest rules to enforce are the ones everyone knows. That means no things like Godzilla rising from Vesper Bay to fight Bahamut, or Cloud Strife fighting Ryu Hayabusa across Ul'dah's rooftops, no matter how cool those things might be. Can't have them because "that wouldnt happen in the real FFXIV".

tl;dr: silly backstory is silly, and none of the other kids at the playground will want to hang out with you because you took their Legos and made the Jetson's spaceship in the middle of Bedrock.

You are the little boy.

The rest of us are Will Ferrell.
Is CosMo a possible Mammet?
Lol my story my rules. chill peoples.
I don't think he asked for critique. Y'all are being jerks.
(04-28-2014, 09:30 PM)Melkire Wrote: [ -> ]tl;dr: silly backstory is silly, and none of the other kids at the playground will want to hang out with you because you took their Legos and made the Jetson's spaceship in the middle of Bedrock.

You are the little boy.

The rest of us are Will Ferrell.

I suggest he be more like Benny.

[Image: LIEqhEY.png]
(04-28-2014, 09:30 PM)Melkire Wrote: [ -> ] That means no things like Godzilla rising from Vesper Bay to fight Bahamut, or Cloud Strife fighting Ryu Hayabusa across Ul'dah's rooftops, no matter how cool those things might be. Can't have them because "that wouldnt happen in the real FFXIV".
What if the RP was of Bahamut fighting Titan in Vesper Bay?
Or have Garuda be the Mothra as she picks up Ifrit while tossing him in the ocean where Leviathan would attempt to pull Garuda down into the ocean?

Also if it was/is cannon, I would of made up a sort of "Movie" series on crystals about a Lone Cactaur similar to the Lone Ranger. And Tonto would be a Moogle.
I call it... "Lone Needler". Or even go the whole 9 yards and make up the Kaiju Monster genre with Bahamut as stated above :3

but back on track, the second i read the title (not the gay part but the FF12 tag) I knew i wouldn't of been disappointing by Lore breaking info. Unless your Character is Gilgamesh (who btw has his reason for jumping around dimensions since 5) I doubt your story would end up in FF14's world.

Oh that's what i should do too! Have a series of television shows for the kids called "Greg's Journey", where Gilgamesh is being Gilgamesh!
(04-28-2014, 11:08 PM)Violo Wrote: [ -> ]Lol my story my rules.

[Image: 5bOi60Q.jpg]


Quote:chill peoples.

[Image: Hee+_87c7e7daf6708f63b18a361c18e63e25.gif]

I'm the prince of chill, hee-ho.
Hey guys, I was looking for some people who wanted to rp with me as the child of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Spike the vampire. I'd be their daughter, a half Miqote (Turned into a half-cat by a CURSE when they learned I was half vampire). I'm thinking my character is trying to stop the Hellmouth in Eorzea and is a slayer, but is an extra special slayer because she is Buffy and Spike's daughter - and also a cat. She has amazing powers due to her half vampire lineage, is super strong but also super cute because cat ears and tail, but she's also so fragile and just wants to fit in with everyone around her.

Also, Willow ave her all her witch powers so she has a carbuncle side kick that she summons with the power of friendship. Contact me if you want to help the next SLAYER AGAINST DOOM.

(I'm convinced this a troll, so I'm rolling with it).
(04-28-2014, 08:09 PM)Xieveral Wrote: [ -> ]Claiming to be an interdimensional demi-rabbit that was bullied off his homeworld and cries squirrels will only get you laughed at and carted off to the nearest nuthouse.

Oh it's not THAT bad in there...Geek
(04-29-2014, 04:12 AM)ArmachiA Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys, I was looking for some people who wanted to rp with me as the child of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Spike the vampire. I'd be their daughter, a half Miqote (Turned into a half-cat by a CURSE when they learned I was half vampire). I'm thinking my character is trying to stop the Hellmouth in Eorzea and is a slayer, but is an extra special slayer because she is Buffy and Spike's daughter - and also a cat. She has amazing powers due to her half vampire lineage, is super strong but also super cute because cat ears and tail, but she's also so fragile and just wants to fit in with everyone around her.

Also, Willow ave her all her witch powers so she has a carbuncle side kick that she summons with the power of friendship. Contact me if you want to help the next SLAYER AGAINST DOOM.

(I'm convinced this a troll, so I'm rolling with it).
Damn it, only if I can bring my spaceship and we can incorporate the Cylons.
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