Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: Looking for Winner Takes All co-conspirators!
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Ahoyyyyy, lovelies. So, as part of the Winner Takes All thread with Osric in the IC forums here, we've reached a point where The Job is gonna happen. And, we decided it might be cool to open it up to see if anyone was interested in playing along with it. Pretty much, Zhi's Team will involve two other people -- someone good at playing parts (though this one is open to change, if needed), and someone good at being sneaky and breaking into things. The Other Guys can be either those who belong to the Maelstrom who don't take kindly to people breaking in and stuff, or hapless bystanders. Or something. I dunno.

Due to forum rp being a mite slower than in game rp and other stuff, we needed to figure out what happens ahead of time, so Zhi & cohorts will be getting away with the goods (also Osric is bankrolling this* so Big Grin yay payday!) -- but that doesn't mean there can't be longterm consequences or unforeseen circumstances that arise out of it. I like plot twists.

Aaaanywho, I'm going to do up a post where Zhi heads to the meeting spot to start the job (necessary details can be hashed out ooc through pms). I'm gonna wait a week after that before starting in on the job itself. If no one has responded, I'll be npcing her cohorts, though people would still be free to jump in if they wanted for whatever else.

Feel free to use npcs or your actual characters, don't matter to me! I'd be super happy from people jumping in no matter what they play as. Smile

(do note though, this is more sneaky then bloody -- the goal is to get in and out without incurring bad blood).

*with rp monies Big Grin
tl;dr: we have a forum RP thread going and we'd like to know if any Lominsan peeps would like to join in robbing some papers from Maelstrom Command. Cool