05-10-2014, 05:14 AM
I. Basic InfoÂ
Characters:Malon Abbey
Primary character:Malon
Linkshells:Â None
Primary RP linkshell:None
II. RP StyleÂ
Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
I usually am always up for RP and would consider myself between High and Medium. This is a first character for me, but have had expericene RPing before. If I am not RPing I may be levelling since I me pretty new.
Views on RP combat and injuries:
I am fine with injuries and combat. And will RP accordingly to the injury, for example, the loss of an eye will result in an eye patch at all times. Death is something I try to steer away from but if it happens it happens. Â Â
Views on IC romance:
I am up for it if the other person is. If I begin to develop feelings for a person IC then who’s to stop it from happening.Â
Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
I would like to point out beforehand that if someone what’s to be related to Malon, then they are more than welcome to as long as he or she is willing to commit to that role. Friends on the other hand come and go so I am always open to make new friends.Â
Views on lore:
I try and stick to the lore, though I will admit that I am not that up to par with it. I tend to keep away from subjects I know nothing of.Â
Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
Most of my chats are jumbled with FC and LS chats all going at once, I have recently learned to make tabs for them all so I can have a much clearer chat box going.
III. Other InfoÂ
Timezone:GMT (I think)
Contact info: Ingame is best.
Malon was a farmgirl up until recently when her younger sister vanished. Most others have given up on ever finding the missing girl and instead declared that she had obviously died somewhere. Malon however became determain to find her sister believing that she is still alive out there somewhere. So she set out and became a lancer.
Malon is a 16 year old Hyur midlander from Gridania. She is social and a fun person to be around. She is known to work as a waitress at times and has been described as a good singer.
Characters:Malon Abbey
Primary character:Malon
Linkshells:Â None
Primary RP linkshell:None
II. RP StyleÂ
Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
I usually am always up for RP and would consider myself between High and Medium. This is a first character for me, but have had expericene RPing before. If I am not RPing I may be levelling since I me pretty new.
Views on RP combat and injuries:
I am fine with injuries and combat. And will RP accordingly to the injury, for example, the loss of an eye will result in an eye patch at all times. Death is something I try to steer away from but if it happens it happens. Â Â
Views on IC romance:
I am up for it if the other person is. If I begin to develop feelings for a person IC then who’s to stop it from happening.Â
Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
I would like to point out beforehand that if someone what’s to be related to Malon, then they are more than welcome to as long as he or she is willing to commit to that role. Friends on the other hand come and go so I am always open to make new friends.Â
Views on lore:
I try and stick to the lore, though I will admit that I am not that up to par with it. I tend to keep away from subjects I know nothing of.Â
Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
Most of my chats are jumbled with FC and LS chats all going at once, I have recently learned to make tabs for them all so I can have a much clearer chat box going.
III. Other InfoÂ
Timezone:GMT (I think)
Contact info: Ingame is best.
Malon was a farmgirl up until recently when her younger sister vanished. Most others have given up on ever finding the missing girl and instead declared that she had obviously died somewhere. Malon however became determain to find her sister believing that she is still alive out there somewhere. So she set out and became a lancer.
Malon is a 16 year old Hyur midlander from Gridania. She is social and a fun person to be around. She is known to work as a waitress at times and has been described as a good singer.