Hydaelyn Role-Players

Full Version: LF Casual Roleplayers/FC
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Hello there!

I've finally fully returned to the game this week after a long break and I am looking to make some connections RP wise to spice up the game a little. Sadly I have one major problem, time-zones. You see, I tend to work quite a bit at unusual hours making finding people to play with kind of a challenge. I tend to only have time to mess around online somewhere between 1amish to 7am or so EST. I do have Fridays and Saturdays off, but my time online during those days tend to be random if any due to RL duties/wife etc.

So, if any of you are online around those hours or know a FC active during that time frame, I'd love to hear from you! Even if things don't work out RP wise, just having others to chat with when online would be great.

PS: My character's WIKI is still a work in progress, but feel free to take a look to have an idea what type of character he is.
I'd love to offer up one of my chars as a potential connection, but... I'm not sure how most of them would be able to fit considering what you have in your bio. lol You're free to take a look if you like, but warning, lots of text... Davoren and Maemaere are my current chars stationed in Ul'dah, but Yune goes there often enough. The others... not so much.

If anything though, send a friend request my way if you see any of them online. I'm usually online during the hours you mentioned, at least until around 5am or so CST, so if you don't have anyone else on and just want to chat to relieve the loneliness, I'm game.
That is quite a bit of text indeed xD I'll give it a read once I'm back from bringing the wife to work in a few. At first glance, Meeting Davoren sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, Yune or Maemaere might be workable. I'll have to sit down and fully read the bios.

Either way, thanks for taking the time to reply! I'll deff keep an eye out for you when I'm around and see if we can work something out.
I wouldn't say Harbingers of Dawn <<HoD>> is exactly active at that time--that's when the member count tends to begin to dwindle--but we do generally have people online just about all hours of the day. You're welcome to check us out Smile And as for myself, I'm always happy to RP.
(08-15-2014, 04:49 AM)Phaera Nireath Wrote: [ -> ]That is quite a bit of text indeed xD I'll give it a read once I'm back from bringing the wife to work in a few. At first glance, Meeting Davoren sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, Yune or Maemaere might be workable. I'll have to sit down and fully read the bios.

I'm not really finished with Maemaere yet, so no need to go to her page since her history isn't up yet. I can fill in the blanks with her later depending on whether or not you want a lalafell contact. lol As for Dav... Yeah he's not the best option when taken at face value, but if things can be justified well enough, I think we could make something work. Just all depends on what kind of connections you're seeking.

Really though, I'm on Yune the most these days, and have yet to figure out just how active I'll be with chars like Mae, Raramia and Rui. I love them all to death (especially Rui as she was the first char I made in ARR over on Midgardsormr), but at this point, I don't think they have as much going for them in terms of potential with others when compared to Yune and Davoren (plus it really is a pain trying to raise a THM in duty finder...). We'll discuss it later on when I see you. >^.^<
Well I am definitely one of the people up at those hours since I'm a bit odd like that. XD I'm not sure exactly how my characters could be connections but here's the basic run down on the ones I 'main' more or less.

Siha isn't anything special, she's involved with the Red Wings but not actually part of them yet. Uhm. She's a magnet for trouble most of the time but she's kind enough to talk or help just about anyone without hesitation, barring her bouts of shy stuttering. She's a learning conjurer so perhaps she'll offer her services to the Gladiators someday, after all her own bodyguard is one of them!

L'Tao might be another possible contact since he's a mercenary. She's an info broker in Ul'dah so it's her business to know everyone elses business and she'll sell that info to whoever wants to pay for it without question. They likely share that 'dog eat dog' attitude so it's likely they could even get along so long as he doesn't mind how flirtatious and lewd she can be sometimes.

Lastly, Yuu is my other girl, she's not really anything but a big ball of destruction and chaos. She's not mentally sound and therefore tends to go around picking fights or jumping into them, she'll kill anyone, and typically is that crazy giggler with a knife you'd want to avoid in a dark alley on most days. She does try to behave herself in the city but she's not above getting into fights.

Erm. I probably have more alts so if you ever want add me on Siha Xinkei and we'll chat it up!
@Yui- Read Yune's bio, was an interesting one. Surprisingly enough, they do have some things in common in their backgrounds, who knows, perhaps we can work something out after all. I'll prob see if I can catch you online later.

@Faye- HoD sounds familiar for some reason, might have run into you guys on another game. I'll look you guys up when I get a chance.

@Siha- All 3 are interesting in their own way, L'Tao probably sounds like the best fit. I'll try to keep an eye out for you as well so we can have a chat.

I'm aware I don't have much up atm, so getting a good feel of what would and would not work can be hard for you guys. To be honest, I've only got the basic of his past down myself, so I greatly appreciate you guys having an interest even with my limited character bio. Thanks again for the replies, I was afraid I'd get no bites, especially with the time I'm on.