Hydaelyn Role-Players

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Hello, everyone. Thank you very much for taking the time to look at this topic. I've been an RP'er for a little while and finally managed to get into Balmung the other day. My character's not the most auspicious or savoury sort, but I hope I get to meet and RP with some of you in-game. I've been lucky enough to find a couple of people to RP with already, and have a lovely friend that's added me to her linkshell so I can make more lovely friends, but there's always room for more of them, isn't there?

I'm quite new to the game and still finding my feet, so if I come across any of you in a dungeon and I'm terrible, please know I am dreadfully sorry. I usually play as a healer, but since my character is in no way inclined to be one, I'm tossing up between pugilist and rogue at the moment... Maybe she'll learn how to be a conjurer one day... Maybe when she can read...

Anyway, I'm sorry for rambling. Please let me thank you once again for popping in, and restate my wish to get to know you all!
Hello, welcome to the RPC! Don't feel like you can only level in-character classes for yourself; if you don't want to roll separate characters for RP and for PvE, you can always level every class you want on the same character without acknowledging them in-character. In fact, I'd say the practice is commonplace in this game more-so than others due to the lore behind Jobs and the game's systems inherently making alts a bit of a hassle.
Part of the fun, in my view, is pissing about with the different classes and jobs and seeing how they tie with the character to see which fits better. Case in point, Steel was initially looking very much like a true-blue Paladin, but I ended up finding the job supremely boring, so I re-wrote her motivations to authorize her going Warrior. It's been working out lovely ever since.

So yea, I advocate class-swapping and playing around while you mold your persona. Have fun with it!

In whatever incarnation you end up being, hope to see you either in-forum or in-game! <3
Hi and Welcome!

As the others above have said, your in-game class/job do not need to match what you want to be in-character. (Although it can help in terms of RP outfits and props). ...how else would some people RP as merchants, mercenaries, lawyers, reporters, etc?

If you need help in -any- of the dungeons, there are a few linkshells for helping people with content and many more people around the board who like to help people! (Like me. Hit me up anytime on Franz Renatus. I cannot guarantee I'll be free, but if I am, I'm yours, and can fill any role in any dungeon).

As someone who started as a healer, I can tell you it takes a little bit to get used to. Depending on the people you group with, they may grab too many enemies for you to manage, or perhaps run too far ahead to where your spells don't reach. Like any other MMO, communication is key! Square-Enix has designed the game in such a fashion that hi-leveled characters are motivated to queue into low-level dungeons, whether for a special loot they can get, leveling up other classes/jobs, or for money/experience bonuses. They may not always remember what it's like to be learning the game. A gentle reminder that you're new/learning/etc helps out everyone. Many are happy to help explain any special features of the dungeon, sometimes a kill/heal priority, and other roles that may be needed in the dungeon. 

Depending on your play style, there are also two camera/movement options. Depending on how you're comfortable with playing, and whether you're on a mouse/keyboard or controller (or a mix of the two like me), the controls can be adjusted. I know I had to to get a LOT better at dodging. 


On an RP note, if you started as a Conjurer (CNJ), would we find your character in the Black Shroud? Or has she gone elsewhere? While there are no easily findable RP-helper notifications or addons in the game, many RPers either have accounts/wikis here, or will put a little snippet in their character's search info. I would want to say most, if not nearly all RPers I've encountered are open to spontaneous, walk-up RP.
Hello and welcome to the RPC. If you are ever wandering around Ul'dah I am sure we'll see each other. Smile
Hello there, welcome to Blamung and the RPC! You've made me hungry for spinach. I'm glad to chat or RP anytime, so feel free to say hello if you see me around in-game!