Hydaelyn Role-Players
Character Inventories - Printable Version

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RE: Character Inventories - Steel Wolf - 04-23-2015

Steel tends to have a small hip pouch on her person, though it generally is beneath the faulds of her armor. Within is placed:
  • A few potions
  • A whetstone
  • Her Triple Triad deck
  • Her gil pouch
  • A few gyshal greens
She also tends to have a flask of some sort of rum on her person, usually of some questionable quality.

RE: Character Inventories - SicketySix - 04-23-2015

Does a can of whoop-ass count?

If not:
  • Extra bowstring.
  • Extra fletching and arrowheads.
  • Two canteens. (filled with water)
  • Few pieces of dried jerky and/or fruit.
  • Several misc. treats for his pet.
  • Few pieces of scrap paper and pens
  • Radom assortment of blades hidden in concealed places.
  • Both land and nautical maps of all the surrounding city states.
  • Gil pouch of course

RE: Character Inventories - Cliodhna Eoghan - 04-23-2015

hmm thb i never really have a "set" list of items that clio carries around. typically if she has her toolbelt on (which is frequently) she has at least the following.
her tools
a pencil or two
her planning book
a few flyers for her shots contest
a bottle of either ala mhigan fire whiskey or mad jack rum (the latter thanks to a certain bard that gave her a crate-full of the stuff for her birthday x3)

RE: Character Inventories - Lamia - 04-23-2015

Levinth carries a series of small satchels that are strung along the belts of his armor. Each one a category that contains different items in each, and the largest sits at his right hip when it's not strapped to his chocobo as a saddlebag.

First Satchel - First Aid

+ Two rolls of fresh bandages
+ Ointment for burns
+ Jar of numbleweed salve for wounds. (Custom mixture)

Second Satchel - Smoking

+ Handcarved wooden pipe with carved sandstone accents. (Very old, well used)
+ Tinderbox containing a mixture of herbal supplements and remedies to be smoked.
+ Rag for cleaning
+ Tin with a clasp lock lid to contain ashes until they can be properly disposed.

Third Satchel - Coin

+ No more then 200 gil in various coins at any given time.
+ An eyepiece to inspect gemstones and coin for fakes and counterfeits.

Fourth, Largest satchel - Business & Utility

The contents of his satchel change nearly everyday. From letters, blank parchments, journals, ledgers, Quill and inkwell. Everything he needs that day is available to him and found within.

RE: Character Inventories - Nwelmaer - 04-24-2015

Winni leaves most of her things in her room, but she always carries a notepad and pencil to jot down things she might forget. She also keeps a small coin in her shoe that her favorite brother gave her when she left their clan.
Her pockets are usually full of random things she finds interesting so there's little room for more practical things.

RE: Character Inventories - Dante Abigor - 04-24-2015

Currently still his trusty gauntlets, his two rings(One with a jewel he uses to store his Mobile Mammet storage, go figure....and the other to carry his linkpearl synthesizer), a couple of wires he keeps wrapped around his torso and arms underneath his clothing, a few pouches with gil....and maybe a throwing knife or two. He also carries around spare masks and goggles in case the ones he wears get damaged or removed somehow.

RE: Character Inventories - Klynzahr - 04-24-2015

The adventurer's life has imposed the virtues of traveling light and arriving prepared for anything upon Klynzahr. She keeps two small bags on her belt at all times.

The first is a two liter waterskien, which holds the most essential and boring of all liquids; water.

The second is a large, bulging gilpurse, but don't let it's size and shape fool you. Here is  what the purse actually holds.
  • Two large folded handkerchiefs that double as bandages 
  • One empty, wooden glasses case, with the outline of a Lominsian Frigate engraved on the top
  • One 5 by 7 lim drawing of a Roegadyn girl, with a broken nose, and a tiny Hyuran boy
  • One pair of needle point tweezers
  • One folding pocket knife
  • A little coil of twine
  • One charcoal pencil
  • Two fishhooks
  • Several random triple triad cards that may or may not combine into a usable deck
  • Several assorted coins that may or may not be enough for a meal
On trips away from Ul'dah, Klynzahr is accustomed to carrying all her possessions on her back, which she achieves by wearing all her armour and carrying a beat up rucksack. This always holds the following.
  • One eight fulm square of oilcloth
  • One sturdy length of rope
  • Two old blankets
  • Several changes of clothing
  • One sturdy shipping log that has been turned into a journal
  • One shabby grimoire
  • One folded fishing rod, with extra twine
  • Some packed food, usually flat-bread, raisins, jerky, and a hard boiled egg or three
  • A more complete first aid kit, containing rolled bandages, burn salve, high potency alcohol, brandy, finger and arm splints, some larger bandages, forceps and scissors.  
Currently the pack also contains
  • A Short Treatises on the Subject of Wealth and the Public Governance: Volume II
Her helm typically hangs from a loop on one side of the pack. From the other side hangs two longswords, one sharp and the other blunted for training. Her buckler generally rests on top. Sometimes she also carries a sealed metal box, with a live bomb core glowing inside.

RE: Character Inventories - Kalooeh - 05-13-2015

Kal's would be
First Aid Kit - Consists of needles, thread, alcohol (One for drinking, one for sterilizing), honey, and basic bandages
Couple of daggers
Usually a container or two full of some kind of rum
Extra clothes
Rope. A lot of rope.
Nail file
Glasses case
Couple of fish hooks and fishing wire
Spool of twine
A length of sturdy cloth big enough to be used as a hammock or blanket for her
Some kind of simple emergency food provisions. Often includes a lot of jerky
Random collection of things she may want to carry for whatever reason at random times. Sometimes can be fireworks, spices, crystals, hides. Just random shit that's not always in her bag.

Usually extra weapons, job tools, or things she leaves in the room she rents or with a retainer, at her FC, or with a friend or boyfriend/girlfriend.
What's usually in her pack depends on where she's planning on going that day. Sometimes she'll pack heavily and sometimes barely have much on her besides the needle and thread, some gil, and a couple daggers

Assortment of medical supplies
Elemental crystals
Candy or dried/candied fruits
A small stuffed chocobo toy
A stuffed moogle toy
Fishing hooks and wire
Pocket knife
Some kind of food that takes awhile to spoil but isn't exactly emergency rations either. Mostly dried fruits and fish.
Number of random, sparkly or cute, and often times pink or orange trinkets
A couple of boxes and bags for plants
Change of clothes/underwear
A couple of coins that may buy her a room at an inn and a decent meal, but not much else.
Gyshal greens

Basic first aid kit that's needles and thread, small thing of honey, and a couple of bandage wraps of various thickness and widths
A worrying amount of daggers and poisons
Usually a couple of various plants in bags to be used as poisons or for medicinal reasons
Journal and pen. Enchanted so looks blank to others
A vial filled with something to purify water
Flint and steel
A couple of some kind of emergency rations/jerky. Usually just enough to last a day or two if stretched. Jerky will usually be snacked on and replaced often.
Handful of sweets

Largely carries things similar to Sam, (Minus flint and steel) but in addition to that
Large amount of plants in labelled bags (Name of plant and uses if known at the time)
A couple tomes relating to Thaumaturgy, Alchemy, or Herbology 
Couple of vials filled with random (but labelled) potions/elixers
Journal (not enchanted, but her scribbling would likely be near impossible to decipher for others anyways)
Extra scepters in case her main one breaks or is lost for whatever reason.

Several types of lingerie in different styles
Couple of changes of clothes (mostly showy/revealing)
Pair of work clothes and shoes
Fair amount of gil
Two small daggers and a few vials of poisons
Hunting knife
Couple pairs of fist weapons

-Sometimes -
Some kind of first aid kit if she's leaving whatever major city she's in (Usually Uldah)
Food and water, usually things that won't keep for a long time. Usually planned for however long a trip may take plus an extra day or two.

Mostly weapons
Some potions
A couple bandages
Decent enough amount of gil, but probably not enough that someone would want to try to rob her unless they were desperate enough to risk having a limb cleaved off.
Sometimes fireworks or small explosives that can be thrown at people to either scare/distract them or cause some damage
Change of clothes for when doesn't want to wear her armor and doesn't just wear whatever it is she has on under it at the time.

Twin Rova
Typical Alchemist/Thaumaturgy stuff
Couple daggers or various lengths
Magical items

And I dunno guess I gotta think on that more but probably whatever kind of stuff you'd expect Kotake and Koume/Twinrova from Zelda to have for inventory

RE: Character Inventories - Nicholas Graveshire - 05-13-2015

  • Vials of different potions he might need on the fly. 
  • Burn ointment. 
  • Gauze and bandages. 
  • Adhesive. 
  • Several sewing needles.
  • A spool of thread. 
  • Syringes.
  • A canteen of water, normally. Out in Thanalan he may carry several.
  • His linkpearls.
  • A small amount of gil.
  • Jerky.
  • Dried fruit and nuts, maybe. 
  • Separate bags for his herb collecting.
  • Sometimes his tome, but he doesn't carry that around in public much.
  • Paper.
  • Writing utensils.

RE: Character Inventories - Aaron - 05-13-2015

A shit ton of I O U's

RE: Character Inventories - Hammersmith - 05-13-2015

Something to smoke
Matches. Lots of matches.
Gunpowder, in varying amounts depending on Reasons.
Lethally high proof alcohol.
Cigars in varying states of abuse and use.
Money Pouch
Tin cup.
Varying amount of permits and legal documents depending on Reasons.

Always Axe