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Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Printable Version

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RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Edvyn - 04-30-2015

(04-30-2015, 11:18 PM)Chris Ganale Wrote: Best I've managed to do was park Chao in a chair or against a pillar in the QS and pull out her tome, occasionally emote her turning a page or reading or sommat.

Got a couple of interactions, but overall, meh...?
emoting things like reading a book are pretty unreliable ways to get people to RP with you - they're far too passive and require other people to take initiative to interact with you rather than the other way round. it'll work for certain people, sure, but the average joe roleplayist doesn't want to go out of his way to chat with every person who stands by themselves reading a book in a bar.

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Chris Ganale - 04-30-2015

I've first-hand experience of how ineffective that is, yes. But despite my bluster and spikiness on the forum, I don't have the type of personality that goes out and attacks RP opportunities, even amongst my own friends.

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - McBeefâ„¢ - 04-30-2015

(04-30-2015, 11:27 PM)Chris Ganale Wrote: I've first-hand experience of how ineffective that is, yes. But despite my bluster and spikiness on the forum, I don't have the type of personality that goes out and attacks RP opportunities, even amongst my own friends.

Well that is the magic of RP~ /You/ don't have to have that sort of personality!

Just make a character that does.

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Val - 04-30-2015

(04-30-2015, 11:22 PM)Edvyn Wrote:
(04-30-2015, 11:18 PM)Chris Ganale Wrote: Best I've managed to do was park Chao in a chair or against a pillar in the QS and pull out her tome, occasionally emote her turning a page or reading or sommat.

Got a couple of interactions, but overall, meh...?
emoting things like reading a book are pretty unreliable ways to get people to RP with you - they're far too passive and require other people to take initiative to interact with you rather than the other way round. it'll work for certain people, sure, but the average joe roleplayist doesn't want to go out of his way to chat with every person who stands by themselves reading a book in a bar.

This is pretty true. A lot of people that sit passively will rarely get walk-ups, and those they get generally aren't the kind you want. It's best to just try to brave it. Generally, I observe the person or group that's RPing for a while to see if it's something I'd like my character to get in on. If I feel it's something they'd be welcomed in, I'll approach. If I'm still not sure, I'll whisper and ask if they'd like some company =)

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Chris Ganale - 04-30-2015

There's a limit to how far I can act against my nature.

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Virella - 04-30-2015

Letting my characters stumble into them. Literally. Virella often walks around with her head in the clouds, of her arms littered with research/studies. So that works quite well!

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Aya - 05-01-2015

(04-30-2015, 11:18 PM)Chris Ganale Wrote: No actual advice from me, tho, as I'm bad at walk-up and soliciting RP in general. Best I've managed to do was park Chao in a chair or against a pillar in the QS and pull out her tome, occasionally emote her turning a page or reading or sommat.

Got a couple of interactions, but overall, meh...?
This is the sort of thing that people fall back on, and winds up putting all of the onus on other people to make the approach.  Unless you're really fortunate, you're going to have to make that effort yourself to really meet people.

There's been some great advice so far.  Really the best thing that I can offer is: take a deep breath.  Realize that there are hundreds of people on the server all looking to RP right now.  They don't know what to do either.  They're afraid to approach other people.  They're afraid of rejection just like you are.  If you try a couple of people you might get rejected (it happens) but you will start meeting people like yourself soon enough!  They are out there, and they're just waiting to meet you!

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Nako Vesh - 05-01-2015

(04-30-2015, 11:30 PM)Chris Ganale Wrote: There's a limit to how far I can act against my nature.
Same. I'm constantly struggling against my introversion and social anxiety. I know the solution is just "getting out there," but that's the thing with social anxiety, it doesn't really follow any logic.

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Aya - 05-01-2015

(05-01-2015, 12:39 AM)Nako Vesh Wrote:
(04-30-2015, 11:30 PM)Chris Ganale Wrote: There's a limit to how far I can act against my nature.
Same. I'm constantly struggling against my introversion and social anxiety. I know the solution is just "getting out there," but that's the thing with social anxiety, it doesn't really follow any logic.
I think that most of the players in the community feel the same way.  I'm pretty well known for being open to approaching people (I even made it my character's job) but I still get a little butterflies in my stomach every time I look to approach someone new. 

What I'm trying to say is: no one is minimizing your anxiety, no one is trying to say "just get over it."  What we're saying, at least what I am saying, is that you're here in a community with hundreds of people who all feel the same pressures, and who still want to meet you.  Just try and work up the courage to give them that chance! The worst that can happen really.. isn't all that bad.  And the best that can happen is finding a friend for life!

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Erik Mynhier - 05-01-2015

Check to see if the search info says if walk ups are welcomed amd if so I jump in.... its that easy. Though I do like to target green leafs if I see them sitting for awhile since people often overlook new folks.

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - J'lyneth - 05-01-2015

I'm one of those people who will walk up and start talking to that person who is just doing the passive emotes, usually because I take it as an invitation to engage whereas someone having a conversation, even in a hub, may not be as welcoming of some random stranger walking up and butting in. I know I've had deep and intense RP scenes kinda ruined by that sort of thing before so I tend to be much more nervous about approaching people RPing amongst themselves than I am about approaching a person who's doing the passive invitation emotes. And I play the type of character that would see a person sitting off by themselves in the pub and decide to go and keep them company "Cuz who wants to drink alone, certainly not me, lemme buy you a drink, is this seat taken?"

It's much more difficult on a more introverted character and I agree with the people saying you should have a plan. Lost object, need directions, hiding from danger... there are endless possibilities. I've gotten lengthy RP conversations off of just standing next to someone and saying. "Nice hat."

It's hard to put yourself out there, but if it makes you feel any better about it, know that most of the people you're walking up to are just as nervous about approaching new people as you are and a lot of us on the RP servers are pretty happy to be approached since it means we didn't have to screw up the courage to do it ourselves this time.

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Seriphyn - 05-01-2015

I follow "real life" rules of roleplay. How do we initiate conversation with people in real life? We might make a comment on the weather or how busy it is. Exactly the same with Kale.

"Bloody 'ells, quite busy today in the Quicksand, ain't it?"
"Y'alright, mate? That's a pretty interestin' lookin' sword you 'ave there, where's it from?"
"You by y'self at this table? I can join you, yea'?"

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Chris Ganale - 05-01-2015

Been in and out of really-awful WoDs so have been bypassed by the convo. Was gonna say that lots of failed efforts to RP and, worse yet, active snubs are more prone to turn people off from trying entirely. Aside from that, it's one thing to get a bit of a twitter-patter when you want to reach out to RP, but it's something else entirely when your entire mental state shuts down and paralyzes you with a perfect storm of fear, indecision, and insecurity.

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - McBeefâ„¢ - 05-01-2015

So just as a side note, I get the fact that people have mental baggage, and things to overcome.

I have my own issues as well.

However this is a thread about walk up RP. At the end of the day, you just have to swallow your fear and go pester someone. I understand it might be hard.

However it's the only way~ you either have to figure out some way to muster up the courage, or find another way of meeting people for RP.

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - ArmachiA - 05-01-2015

Yeah, my best advice is not to be passive. Reading a book shows you want to be alone, saying you are drinking at the bar doesn't necessarily mean you want to interact. Armi is a clumsy sort, usually if I feel like walk-up RP I'll have her trip over someone, run into them, or have her drop something. If I hear a conversation I want to be a part of of, I'll have her VERY OBVIOUSLY eavesdrop so she;s caught (Though I also send /tells before hand on conversations that look like they may be private) and if she isn't caught, I'll have her do something stupid so she is caught. Really look at your characters personality and see what they can do to be noticed. Armi, for instance, is a doof so I do doofy things. Loki is pretty cool, laid back but kind of snarky. So for Loki, she would just walk up and talk to someone alone at the bar. If she sees something of interest she'll ask someone about it. She'll interject her opinion even when someone didn't ask for it etc etc. There are always ways to make your RP a more aggressive one, even when your character is shy (Like Armi is) it's just a matter of figuring out exactly what would make sense within the boundaries of your character.

Aloof? GM them spilling a drink, or being angry that day and just needing to vent. Someone in my guild plays a pretty aloof character and he goes to the Quicksand when the character gets agitated so he'll just sit next to someone and start talking. It's actually pretty funny!

Shy? Earring gets lost. Or they are looking for someone who told them to meet them there and they just didn't show up. How about a shy character who is actively trying to be more social? It could be for funny rp to watch a shy one try to interact (I've done this on Armi, she made a joke about cheese. It didn't go well.)

Aggressive and loud? Buy everyone drinks, you had a good day!

There's always something you can do. The cutest one I've seen was my guild went to the Golden Saucer and this Lalafell pranced right up and interjected himself right in the scene. He started pointing out the stereotypes of the group "That must be the brooding one". "That's the token female." It was amazing.