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Disaster! SE just ruined your headcanon! - Printable Version

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RE: Disaster! SE just ruined your headcanon! - FreelanceWizard - 05-07-2015

(05-07-2015, 10:11 AM)Desu Nee Wrote: Accept it and move on. Maybe try and find a lee-way around it if it's possible, but if it's undeniable, unavoidable truth...well, some aspects of retcon are in order, I suppose.

This is pretty much how I handle it. The lore's theirs to define, and when we play in grey areas, the possibility of getting steamrolled always exists. When that happens, you have to find a workaround or retcon if you want to stick with the lore (and thereby maximize your RP opportunities).

RE: Disaster! SE just ruined your headcanon! - Mikh'a - 05-07-2015

I think what I'd do is gradually start phasing that part out of my character's life. Just very slowly start easing off of whatever it is through roleplay, don't completely destroy it right off the bat just stop using it as much, stop mentioning it as much. Pick up a new hobby or a new skill, or shift the focus to something new for their backstory over the course of a few weeks to a couple of months until it's all but forgotten. I really hate retcons. I don't hate anyone else for using them, but personally unless they're an absolute must, like to the point that my character will be absolutely non-functional because of something outside of my control, I won't retcon, I'll just start slowly and carefully shifting away.

If it ever came up OOCly I'd just remind the people bringing it up that it was well established before lore on it was and I moved away from it with hand waving.

(05-07-2015, 10:00 AM)Warren Castille Wrote: On the other other hand, I could play him as naive and somehow out of touch with the scheme.

Or I'd do that. Because that is 100% in character for Mikh'a to the point of face smashing in to wall frustration for some people, sometimes.

RE: Disaster! SE just ruined your headcanon! - Flickering Ember - 05-07-2015

Ember's background operates almost entirely outside of the boundaries of lore. She has a fairly simple back story: she's basically Gau from FFVI. There are other magical elements to her but I feel those elements are general enough that if SE brings down a lore bomb, I could just tweak her story a little bit without it completely ruining her character.

The only thing that I could think of that could completely wreck her character would be two things:

1.) They bombed the Hellsguard lore. Abalathia's Spine is magically warded from the rest of Eorzea. Or other types of lore that would make Abalathia's Spine inaccessible.
Although, even if that happened, I suppose I could just select a new birthplace for Ember.

2.) They changed how aether and magic work to the point that Ember's second sight/6th sense isn't lore friendly. I really like how I have designed Ember's sixth sense, even if it is kind of hard to explain at times. I would be really sad if I had to change it. (For those who don't know, Ember is a blind character)

RE: Disaster! SE just ruined your headcanon! - D'aito Kuji - 05-07-2015

I was flippant before but I think I have a real answer.

If SE added to the Southern Sagolii so that one could completely cross the desert and find a new zone, that could be problematic as D'aito is from that area.  As the location of her tribe is outside the map, no one else can confirm that it does or doesn't exist.  A new zone south of the Sagolii could possibly make D'aito's background unworkable.

I don't have a very complicated concept so the Lore changes a lot of you mentioned wouldn't change much about D'aito.

Then again, if the mating habits of traditional Seekers were changed in some way to make it more conventional - that would change her origin completely.

RE: Disaster! SE just ruined your headcanon! - T'shina - 05-07-2015

I've known a few people to already be quite upset with the fact that Dark Knights don't draw from the void as that is what they were already doing. So this is quite the lore break and bomb for them so now there has to be some form of reworking.

As for Dark Knight only being twelve people I can already see that there will be other small groups who do the same thing, just that they aren't part of the main group and perhaps give themselves another name and purpose or maybe a similar purpose.

Though, nothing in particular could really be a lore bomb for me and break my character. I've kept most of her history close to what could be considered Seeker ways and unless they say there really aren't any Seeker tribes in the Shroud then there will be issue (which I see that there has to be some there considering there are too many tribes for there not to be some in the Shroud).

RE: Disaster! SE just ruined your headcanon! - Aya - 05-07-2015

Find find find find a way! ♪

RE: Disaster! SE just ruined your headcanon! - Qhora Bajihri - 05-07-2015

I'd just say my character's a snowflake and keep on keeping on. She actually already is in many ways. Her background touches on what's in the lore, but the core of it is intentionally "unusual" (far from ludicrous, but certainly atypical). Unless they say something like Keepers never left the Shroud in the past 50 years, I'm not sure what they could really say that would mess me up much.

RE: Disaster! SE just ruined your headcanon! - Cailean Lockwood - 05-07-2015

Well, if Dark Knights are ONLY those 12, then just be a warrior who wields a two-hand sword and wields the power of the void. A Dark Knight in every aspect other than actually being a Dark Knight.

Be creative.

RE: Disaster! SE just ruined your headcanon! - Chris Ganale - 05-07-2015

I kind of already expect to take a 2000lb lore bomb to the face over Seno should more of Doma ever be brought forward. His and his wife's swordsmanship school can already be defended from utter destruction via lore by emphasising that the Shinmei-ryū are reclusive. What I fully expect to have destroyed is the semi-extensive timeline we came up with for Doma's revolution.

That said, I'm as likely to Adam Savage anything that comes along to demolish the work I've put into my characters.

RE: Disaster! SE just ruined your headcanon! - Khadan - 05-07-2015

I think the biggest key to avoiding taking a lore-based uppercut to your chops is to simply not take too many far-reaching liberties with the lore in the first place. 

Many see SE's FF14 lore as "too little to work with" or at least not clear enough and in this I somewhat agree; there are some things that are very much not defined that could use some serious embellishment. That being said, however, the things that SE does give us are pretty substantive and with a bit of historical knowledge applied and some potential 'logical deduction' if you will, one can easily make calls while still sticking into the boundaries of the lore. i.e. back in 2.0 I had made my character a "Temple Knight" of Ishgard, or at least former Temple Knight to explain why he was in Thanalan. But this was long before there was ANY mention ANYWHERE of Temple Knights being a thing in lore; I looked long and hard and nothing. I don't think Temple Knights as an Ishgardian concept were introduced until 2.4 or so, in fact. Also hoping SE isn't raiding my hard drives for content because this isn't the first time this has happened. Hell it's not even just the third time >=|

So there was an example of me using the themes and concepts within the game to come up with a character concept that, even if SE had NOT made the Temple Knights a faction in the game, I still would have been okay since in my character's story his sect or "regiment" had all been wiped out, anyway. Truthfully my only concern was if they were going to call them "Temple Knights" or "Templars" which in either case is an easy fix to maintain story continuity. =)

The point is that taking liberties with lore for the sake of trying to be unique or special is like building a runway on a plateau: You only have so much ground available to you for taking off and landing and the more you stretch the lore the less runway you have and thus run the risk of sliding off and crashing into a canyon never to be heard from again =P

tl;dr headcanon responsibly because the more you put out there the easier it will be for SE to inadvertently shoot holes in by just doing their jobs.

RE: Disaster! SE just ruined your headcanon! - ZacharyVolfire - 05-07-2015

Look at the wiki comparing whats wrong and whats confirmeed see if i can change htings then roll a die to decide if i do

RE: Disaster! SE just ruined your headcanon! - Enla - 05-07-2015

(05-07-2015, 11:36 AM)FreelanceWizard Wrote:
(05-07-2015, 10:11 AM)Desu Nee Wrote: Accept it and move on. Maybe try and find a lee-way around it if it's possible, but if it's undeniable, unavoidable truth...well, some aspects of retcon are in order, I suppose.

This is pretty much how I handle it. The lore's theirs to define, and when we play in grey areas, the possibility of getting steamrolled always exists. When that happens, you have to find a workaround or retcon if you want to stick with the lore (and thereby maximize your RP opportunities).

Pretty much this, and most of the people I'm involved with on a regular RP basis aren't the kind of people to hold it against me if I retcon a few things about a character's background. That and I try to work with the lore as much as possible, rather than around it, so I'd feel too weird about keeping fanon when canon is actually available. I tend to also view RP backgrounds as fluid, much like how a character of a novel would be in the first few drafts. Yes I would expect some rigidity on the basic concepts, but if another idea pops up that works BETTER for the character then I have no issue either retconning my own works or watching other people do it to their own characters. It isn't as if we're all writing novels to be published where just one consistency can make or break the narrative. Though no matter what, if I'm going to make a change I always converse with the people I'm most involved with RP wise before implementing it. That way we're all on the same page and agree to the changes, and/or can discuss if they're even necessary.

RE: Disaster! SE just ruined your headcanon! - Temmi - 05-07-2015

I thought long and hard about the OPs question, and honestly, I can't think of anything that SE could toss out there that would really impact my character.

She's just a simple Gridanian with a more-than-healthy fear of the Elementals that give her her powers of Conjury. Her conflict and intrigue is within herself. Every day, she fears and hates the same power that gives her her livelihood. That, combined with the fact that she sustained an injury which prevents her from pursuing other paths, keeps her in this fascinating whirlwind of insecurity and instability that is just enthralling to play out.

Maybe with future characters I'll toy with the grey areas in lore, but I guess I just don't see why it's necessary when one can make an enchanting story with what we already have.

RE: Disaster! SE just ruined your headcanon! - Blue - 05-07-2015

When SE released the mail moogle quest that revealed the lore around Keeper Males, I was very pissed. I had built all of Jet'a and Blue's plots into the belief that Keeper's society worked as an amazon matriarchate, where males simply had the reversed role of women in patriarchal families (similar to the Mithran society in FFXI). So Jet'a and the males of the family were forbidden from going to hunt, using weapons, and the like, instead helping at the camp with leatherworking, cooking and carpentry. The superiority of females was and still is a big thing for Jet'a, which is basically the pillar of how all of his behavior works. And I like his character.

So, when the lore bomb fell (great timing on that SE, btw), I said fuck it and decided to not retcon anything. The Vann family still works how I had described it back in 2013, and other Keeper families can suck it and call them odd ducks if they want. I'm not erasing my character because of one pathetic side quest.

RE: Disaster! SE just ruined your headcanon! - Edgar - 05-07-2015

I wouldn't know, because you see, if you are even in this situation, you have only yourself to blame.

To cry over SE ruining my headcanon would be like bitching that my fan-character for Harry Potter is no longer able to kill Harry himself because Voldemort turned out to be not so dead by the end of the first book. Who's story is this? Mine? Not quite.

This is why you didn't see me planning headcanons ahead of time. I knew SE's canon would come to butt heads against whatever I came up with. Planning ahead when the facts aren't even set in stone is setting yourself up for disappointment.