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Heavy Military FC With Garlean Influence /Magitech Feasibility and Plausibility - Printable Version

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RE: Heavy Military FC With Garlean Influence /Magitech Feasibility and Plausibility - Chris Ganale - 05-15-2015

The Red Wings are a high-tech military force and they seem to be doing alright. A lot of people like to do stuff with them, but typically they downplay a lot of their über-tech with people outside their group (except Chao, who Erik gleefully showed off all their stuff to, but that was OOC). I would actually love to find a high-tech, well-organized military force to get involved with on Ganale.

(Aww, Imo, I just realized it was you, lulz)

RE: Heavy Military FC With Garlean Influence /Magitech Feasibility and Plausibility - LiadansWhisper - 05-16-2015

Liadan isn't allowed to touch any of the magitek stuff in the Red Wings house. Sad

RE: Heavy Military FC With Garlean Influence /Magitech Feasibility and Plausibility - Aramaeus - 05-16-2015

(05-15-2015, 04:13 PM)Imo Wrote: I don't think adding a powerful, hi-tech military force (that doesn't exist in lore) to the game is a good idea. Most free companies get away with having magitek weaponry because they're just a handful of adventurers that don't mean much in the grand scheme of things. But playing your FC as a big, heavily armed military force is a different matter entirely - this is something that would change the global balance of power in Eorzea. You're pretty much forcing others to either agree that yes, your military force is (or is going to be) a major global player, or to ignore you. And most people will probably go with the latter.

As for playing Garleans:
Garlean refugee who's loyal to Eorzea - a very viable concept. Hell, I'm playing such a character. You probably shouldn't ba a pureblood Garlean, though, just someone from a land they conquered.
Garlean character who secretly supports the empire - same as other villain characters. Which is to say, thread carefully, because most people don't know how to play villains well.
Garlean character who openly supports the empire - no. Just don't. How are you even still alive?

I never said that it would be big, actually, or even powerful. I'm more than aware that pretending that the FC is large and formidable is folly. That isn't my intent, nor did I say it was. I merely desire a small to moderately sized military group that has Magitech in their possession, not some large force loaded to the gills with army destroying artifacts, or even any hostile intent. They would be no more a threat to the global power balance than any other FC. There are several FCs out there that would be comparable to or even surpass my hypothetical group in terms of both numbers and raw power, so I don't see an issue. 

The Red Wings sound like a group that would be interesting to interact with! 

Chris, what sort of things would you like to see in regards to a hi-tech military group that you may get involved with? The same to anyone else that's reading. I'm very open to suggestions and such!

RE: Heavy Military FC With Garlean Influence /Magitech Feasibility and Plausibility - Chris Ganale - 05-16-2015

Oh, I wouldn't be able to join any FCs. Already got all my characters in one, and a couple even have a line of others they could go into. If not, I'd have already pitched my one big military character into either Zero Division or the Red Wings. Probably Red Wings, they're nicer.

RE: Heavy Military FC With Garlean Influence /Magitech Feasibility and Plausibility - Aramaeus - 05-16-2015

(05-16-2015, 05:21 AM)Chris Ganale Wrote: Oh, I wouldn't be able to join any FCs. Already got all my characters in one, and a couple even have a line of others they could go into. If not, I'd have already pitched my one big military character into either Zero Division or the Red Wings. Probably Red Wings, they're nicer.
I figured! This is more of a hypothetical question, really. I don't expect you to join! Just some insight into what would appeal to you or turn you away from such a group would be useful to me, is all.

RE: Heavy Military FC With Garlean Influence /Magitech Feasibility and Plausibility - Chris Ganale - 05-16-2015

Uh, well. Being from a military background and eating up military shooters (Call of Duty, Halo, Battlefield) like candy, any of those special forces badass types are my bread and butter. Zero Division advertises themselves as that kind of thing, but as I didn't get to play with them, I don't know what exactly they do. Red Wings, on the other hand, I know gets up to the exact sort of stuff that I love, because Chao got to play an NPC HVI in one of their missions a week ago.

Honestly, I miss the structure of being in the military, so that's most of the appeal to me in the first place.

RE: Heavy Military FC With Garlean Influence /Magitech Feasibility and Plausibility - Imo - 05-16-2015

(05-16-2015, 05:12 AM)Amondrask Wrote: I never said that it would be big, actually, or even powerful. I'm more than aware that pretending that the FC is large and formidable is folly. That isn't my intent, nor did I say it was. I merely desire a small to moderately sized military group that has Magitech in their possession, not some large force loaded to the gills with army destroying artifacts, or even any hostile intent. They would be no more a threat to the global power balance than any other FC. There are several FCs out there that would be comparable to or even surpass my hypothetical group in terms of both numbers and raw power, so I don't see an issue. 

That's good then. Remember an important rule about playing characters with special/rare powers: if the character concept requires other people to agree that their character is automatically weaker than yours, then it's not good RP, but going on a power trip. And same applies to FCs.

You're worried about stepping on other people's toes and keeping things plausible and within role, so your idea might work. Because intent is very important.

RE: Heavy Military FC With Garlean Influence /Magitech Feasibility and Plausibility - Ciel - 05-16-2015

I'm late getting back to this thread since I was out late last evening with family, but it looks like Chris and others have all the important stuff pretty well covered.  As mentioned, there are several FCs who actively obtain and study, and some adapt magitek.  It wouldn't be out of bounds to find one to join, or create one.  Good luck with it, but more importantly, have fun!

RE: Heavy Military FC With Garlean Influence /Magitech Feasibility and Plausibility - Aramaeus - 05-16-2015

(05-16-2015, 08:17 AM)Imo Wrote: That's good then. Remember an important rule about playing characters with special/rare powers: if the character concept requires other people to agree that their character is automatically weaker than yours, then it's not good RP, but going on a power trip. And same applies to FCs.

You're worried about stepping on other people's toes and keeping things plausible and within role, so your idea might work. Because intent is very important.

I'm very familiar with the basic tenets of roleplay, hah. I've been RPing for about 15 years now, but I appreciate the thought! 

And thanks, Ciel! You've all been very helpful.

RE: Heavy Military FC With Garlean Influence /Magitech Feasibility and Plausibility - Cliodhna Eoghan - 05-16-2015

(05-16-2015, 01:43 AM)LiadansWhisper Wrote: Liadan isn't allowed to touch any of the magitek stuff in the Red Wings house. Sad

no, you're not >.>

to the op; if you're interested in hearing more about us, feel free to shoot me a pm or find me in game via tell. i'm usually on a lot more than erik and help answer any questions you have and try to set up a time for you to chitchat with him :3